Friday, January 8, 2016

PDP Shard of Dreams Part 20: Prismriver House

Part 19 can be found here.

So, beginning from Misty Lake, head down and then right across the bridge. Keep going right and pass the Ghost. Just down past the Ghost is a grassy patch going right. Go that way and smash one of the rocks blocking your path.

The blue grass here contains different Puppets from the rest of Misty Lake. Here, you can find Lunasa, Lyrica, Merlin, and Kana.

Head up through the grass when you're ready and enter the spooky house.

Once inside, head left and enter the room. Straight ahead is a trash can containing a Prismatic Candy. Now exit the room and re-enter to fight Merlin and her level 33 LyricaP, level 33 LunasaA, and a level 34 MerlinP. Exit the room and head to the right and enter the next room. The trash can here contains another Prismatic Candy. Again, exit and come back to fight Lunasa and her level 33 MerlinP, level 33 LyricaS, and level 34 LunasaD. Now exit the room and head up the steps to the second floor.

Up here, head right and pick up the Yin Yang Orb containing Skill Card 38. Head back to the steps and enter the door. In this next room, head to the right and up to the left side of the cabinet there to pick up another Prismatic Candy. Exit the room and come back to fight Lyrica and her level 33 LunasaD, level 34 LyricaS, and a level 33 MerlinP. Exit the room and head left. There's a door at the end, so go through that. In here, you'll get a thank you letter (I think?), memorize where it was, and then exit the room. Come back in and the letter will be gone. Interact with the spot where it was and you'll obtain Layla's Amulet. (thank you anonymous commenter). The trash can in the bottom right of the room contains a Prismatic Candy.

Layla's Amulet location

When you're done here, Gap to the Human Village.

Part 21 can be found here.


  1. You forgot Layla's Amulet there. Investigate the now empty space where the letter was to get it. It reduces encounter rate when equipped.

    1. I had no idea that was there! Thank you! Adding it in!

  2. I'm pretty sure the letter is actually a photo of "a happy family" in reference to Layla and her sisters (the Prismriver Sisters).
    At least that's what it was in the base game.
