Wednesday, January 6, 2016

PDP Shard of Dreams Guide Part 16: Tengu Village

Part 15 can be found here.

Okay, so head on through that cave that I left you at in part 15! Oh, but you might want to heal first if your main Puppet is at low HP or something. If not, don't bother healing.

It's not really a cave.

So, keep heading straight, and halfway across the bridge you'll be stopped by Aya. She will fight you with a level 35 HatateA and a level 35 AyaP. She'll ask you a question after you beat her. I answered Yes and she let me pass.

Continue forward and you are now in the Tengu Village!

First of all, head up and then right. There's an Inn here to heal at, which I'm sure is much appreciated at this point. The merchant here sells Rosary Beads, Talismans, Seal Thread, and Contract Thread. Boring.

From the Inn, head right and up, then up some steps. There's a pot up there and if you interact with it you'll get a Magatama. This is another one you shouldn't sell from your inventory (勾玉) since it's the equivalent of Pokémon's Max Repel.

Head back down to the Inn and enter the building next to it. In the left side of the cabinet in the top right of the room you can pick up a Chirei Bun. Exit the house.

The Tengu to the left of this house will fight you with a level 28 Aya and two level 28 Momijis. The barrel directly across from them contains a Moriya Shinshu. Head down from here, don't turn left at the first opportunity, but wait until the next one Enter the first house. The pot in the bottom right corner of the house contains an Oath Thread. Exit the house, and go left across the bridge.

Head up through the archway. There's two barrels in front of a house, and interacting with the one on the right will let you fight a wild Hatate. Enter the house next to it. In the bottom right corner is a pot containing a Moriya Shinshu. Exit the house. The Tengu to the left will fight you with two level 30 Hatates (normal). Head up past him and sneak around the back of the nearby house to pick up a Yin Yang Orb containing Skill Card 86.

Head up the stairs near there, and into the clearing-like area. Go left first. The top barrel over there will allow you to fight another wild Hatate. Straight up into the clearing is Aya. She'll say something, but I don't think it matters much. Head right. The Tengu will fight you with a level 29 Hina and a level 29 Nitori. Head right past him, then down the steps. Then down the bridge, and this brings you back to the main town. Go back and heal if needed (right side of town), and then head to the left side of town, across the bridge (either one). Head all the way down on this side.

You'll come to three rather suspicious looking bushes at the bottom. Interact with the center one and you'll reveal the Three Fairies of Light. They'll fight you (they count as one person) with a full team of 6 Puppets. They use a level 26 Sunny, level 32 LunaS, a level 32 StarP, a level 32 SunnyP, a level 26 Luna, and a level 26 Star. After defeating them, run allll the way up to Aya and talk to her. She'll examine the three bushes and give you that book she's been taunting you with this whole time.

Head back and heal, and we'll continue to the top of Youkai Mountain!

Part 17 can be found here.


  1. There's a *third* Hatate in the bottom barrel near where you first enter the Tengu Village

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