Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ariadust Level 40

I just hit level 40 with Ariadust now.
Leveling in Thousand Needles, and still going strong!

Now, I have to take the ultra-long flight to Darnassus again to get my Journeyman Riding and to do some Enchanting training...That flight is painful.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ariadust Update 1

I meant to do this last night, but I forgot!

Where am I right now with Ariadust?

I am leveling in Desolace, very unhappily. I am remembering why I always go to Stranglethorn instead of Desolace. It's that naga questline. Ugh, that naga questline. The one where you have to transform into a naga and kill water elementals and collect tablets. You have to avoid the sharks so that you aren't seen. Oh, but when you're killing water elementals, you attack so slowly and take a ton of damage. So I always stopped in what I thought was a safe area, transformed back, used Flash Heal, usually got attacked by a nearby naga that I didn't see, and then transformed back into a naga.

Oh, and then the questline where first you have to find a treasure chest, and then a satchel. The dwarf gives you a water breathing potion. Guess who accidentally clicked on it way before they were where they needed to be when they meant to click on naga form? Me. So that was tricky as well. I had to go to naga form so I could breathe underwater, find another naga, turn into a draenei again, kill the naga, then go back into naga form so I could breathe.

Not a pleasant experience.

I did, however, make it through Stonetalon Mountains without screaming. That's new! I mean, it was because I totally skipped over the quests involving it, went straight to another area of the map, and received a quest to go to Desolace at level 28, but...I was desperate. Literally, the only other quests I was offered were in the spider area. There were ancient-ruins-with-ghosts quests available too, but the only way to get to the ruins was through the spider area! I also still had the Bioshock-referencing quests too, but the items you need for that quest are ridiculously spread out, so I didn't want to do that one either. So, I skipped ahead, hoping that another area would have quests. The only area that did was Desolace, so I left Stonetalon Mountains at level 28 (if I didn't have heirloom gear, this would not have been possible).

Do not go to Desolace at level 28. The first quests, with the satyr are brutal at that level. It takes a while to kill them, and they do a large portion of damage to you as well. Wait until 30 like most people, just trust me.

Oh, but I did have my first death! I went AFK in a place that I thought was safe (I needed to feed my pet rats), but when I came back, I was dead. I decided that I was, by extension, killed by rats, resurrected, and carried on my shadowy little way.

Oh, and I'm level 33!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Pants Please

Just finished Darkshore (Darkshore always seems to take longer than, say, the Barrens, for some reason). I ended up with an Aboriginal Loincloth of the Eagle. I hate these pants. I got them on my first ever Priest, who was a Worgen. At least they look a tiny bit better on this character than they did on the Worgen, but I would still like some new pants!

So, I'm level 20 on Ariadust. It feels really slow right now, but probably because of Darkshore...and Ashenvale's next. I might just respec to Discipline until level 30 or so, because otherwise I'm doing the same zones as I just did a few days ago on Octofish (except on Alliance, of course).

Oh, and as you can probably see, I got my heirloom helm! Of course, that left the remainder of my account with about 6 gold total, so that's troublesome, but it's for a good reason! If I level up this character, I'll likely enjoy her more than Theeriyi anyway, and then I'll be more motivated to earn more gold! Yay, I hope!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Still going strong!

Ariadust is level 13-ish. Leveling in Darkshore, which is always fun after you've done it twenty times before.

I feel a bit accomplished. I'm saving up on Theeriyi to get more heirlooms so I can finish this faster (plus, if I get the cloth heirlooms, I can level that mage I've always wanted after I'm done with Ariadust! And I can level my Warlock, Decorum, too! Oh, but Ariadust first!).

I have to take a break for now. My boyfriend has my Nintendo DS charger hostage (in other words, I accidentally left it there last week), so I'm going to head over there to play some Skyrim.

By the way, in Darkshore, the Highborne Spirit things in Bashal'Aran are hard for Shadow Priests! No matter what I do they resist my attacks! Shadow Word: Pain? Resist! Mind Flay? Resist! Or, in Mind Flay's case, it misses about half the time on them as well. I haven't had trouble with any other enemies thus far, but ghosts. Ow, ghosts hurt me, because I can't kill them faster than my Power Word: Shield stays on, because they resist my attacks.
I did finally complete the quests though, so now I'm working on the ones to heal the poisoned bear and get my little affinities with the wildlife. I hate this particular quest chain, just because of the part where you have to wait for bears to catch fish, then sneak up on them, grab their hair, and run. It's just an annoying quest. I like the quests aside from that, but that one just gets so tedious when you have so many characters.

You know, I just don't like Darkshore much at all. That's why I usually go to Westfall until level 15, then do Darkshore (Redridge Mountains is tricky for me because the quest with the Ettins makes me nervous) until 20. Darkshore just has some quests that I just don't like, you know? The bear one, and then the one later with the Twilight Hammer where they give you an invisibility potion and you have to sneak up to the very top without being seen by the giant thing walking around, and ugh! I hate stealth quests or quests where there's giant things like Fel Reavers walking around. They make me so nervous!


What's the weirdest thing you've encountered in WoW?

I think I just encountered the weirdest thing I've seen so far.

I was just leveling Ariadust, doing the Odesyus' Landing quests in Azuremyst Isle. Specifically the quest where you have to gather up a bunch of leaves and a stump for a tree disguise.

Anyway, I encountered a Timberstrider Fledgling (I'm pretty sure that's what it was called). It was floating. Just, floating, in mid-air. I looked at it for a minute. Then it just disappeared. It was one of the oddest things that's happened to me in this game, not including that one time some random level 3 Pandaren hit on me in the starting zone. That was weird too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You know...

My last post made me realize something.

Why in the world do I level characters that I don't want?

I mean, I know what sorts of characters I want to level. I've been wanting a max level Priest and Mage for the longest time. And yet, what does my character screen look like?

My only max level character is a Monk that I somehow leveled without knowing how I managed it. Ignoring my healing priest that I'm not fond of anymore at level 41, my second highest is a Warrior. I don't even like melee classes! Why is Octofish a Warrior?!

I want to focus on a character that I like the idea of, and I like the idea of Priests (hence why I have so many. I'm honestly surprised my entire account doesn't consist of Priests at this point). Shadow Priests aren't as slow feeling as Mages are, and they don't have pets like Warlocks do. They're a happy medium to me (albeit with lower DPS ratings). I can even heal when I get sick of playing DPS, like I inevitably will!

Priests are my favorite class, so why don't I have a maxed level one yet? Why?!

And so, I am going to try my very hardest to actually level one seriously. I am certainly not going to cease leveling Octofish completely, but I will be refocusing my efforts on my new Priest, Ariadust.

I really, really hope I can do it this time. I feel like I can. I feel like losing Toontown made me want to focus on a single character because I never maxed Miss Binky Octofish due to a lack of concentration. I had TEN YEARS to max her, or at least get her to 100 laff! And I never did, because I just couldn't focus on just her, like I should have. So now, I'm stuck listening to music from Bossbot HQ and regretting never reaching a high enough level to participate in the group content I always wanted to complete.

So I will get to level 90 this time. I swear I will. Ariadust is going to be my character. She is going to be my main. If I get the urge to play an alt, I will ignore it. I'll switch to my healing spec and heal for a while. But I will reach level 90. It might take a while, since I will be starting a job soon and I have a boyfriend who obviously needs attention, but I will reach level 90. I hope to by the end of this year. I will be able to play through the next expansion while it is still current.

Not only that, but I want to actually be able to provide factual and interesting articles on this blog, rather than posts about my troubles leveling. I do not feel like I am in any place to be writing factual articles until I myself have experienced max level content.

Okay, that turned out to be a lot more passionate than I thought it was going to be. Actually, it veered off completely from my original idea from the post. Oh well! I guess I just declared that I'm going to hit level 90 by the end of the year. So, I guess I will! I won't check in constantly with 5LP stuff, but I think I will check in every day at least with how I'm doing. Given the name of my character, calling this my Genesis Project would be awfully appropriate, but I don't think that's what I'll end up calling it.

Wish me luck in breaking my alt habits! :)

5LP: Octofish Level 30

Just hit level 30! I feel like I'm still going strong and can keep going for a while. I haven't even felt like making an alt yet!
...It's really a shame that I've never, ever wanted a Warrior, huh? I still want a Mage. No matter what I do, I can't focus on one though...Oh well! Two-handed swords are my favorite weapons in most games anyway! If only I'd actually get to use one instead of an axe...

My gear right now:

First Responder's Pauldrons, Unbountied Cloak, Slaver's Chainmail, Tiger Strangler's Bracers, Head Inspector's Gloves, Fractured Belt, Dividend Leggings, Junglewalker Boots, Band of Foul Strength, Raptor Slayer's Band, Kadrak's Axe (2H Axe).

I'm going to go finish up my last few things to do in Northern Stranglethorn, and then move on to Stranglethorn Vale.

As a side note, has anyone else ever had the problem where they hate playing as the sort of character that they actually want to play as, but they can play perfectly well on classes that they don't particularly like? Because that's a problem for me in any game I play.

5LP: Octofish Level 25

I just hit level 25 with Octofish!

 My gear at this point:
First Responder's Pauldrons, Unbountied Cloak, Kadrak's Breastplate, Foolhardy Bracers, War Paint Gloves, Fractured Belt, Dividend Leggings, Disarray Boots, Band of Foul Strength, Darsok's Ring, Kadrak's Axe (2H Axe).

I really don't like Ashenvale, so I will be leaving as soon as possible, despite the fact that I'll be diving headfirst into the set of zones that aren't my favorites either.

My leveling path this time around (pre-60) will be:

25-30: Northern Stranglethorn
30-35: Cape of Stranglethorn
35-40: Feralas
40-45: Thousand Needles
45-50: Tanaris
50-55: Un'Goro Crater
55-58: Blasted Lands

Then I'll move over to Outlands and proceed from there.

Also, at the Cataclysm levels, I think this time I'll do Mount Hyjal instead of Vashj'ir. I've experienced Vashj'ir once. I never want to do so again.

Monday, September 23, 2013

5LP: Octofish Level 20!

Just hit level 20 with my Horde character, Octofish!

Gear at the moment...

Laced Mail Shoulderpads, Bandit Cloak of Stamina, Kargal's Breastplate, Foolhardy Bracers, War Paint Gloves, Fractured Belt, Dividend Leggings, Highstrider Boots, Proof of Death (2H Sword).

Playing WoW again... + 5LP: Octofish Level 15

I've started playing WoW again. Although I'm working on a Horde character at the moment (still on Tanaris, though!).
Well, I'm actually kind of multi-tasking. I'm periodically playing on Theeriyi and doing Timeless Isle stuff so I can gear for healing, and I'm leveling my new Horde Warrior.

If anyone's interesting in joining me, my newest character is Octofish (in honor of my Toon), and I'm level 15 at the time of writing this.

Equips at the moment...

Calico Cloak, Kargal's Breastplate, Unvarnished Vambraces, Caravan Escort's Gloves, Battle Chain Girdle, Togrik's Legguards, Highstrider Boots, Mankirk's Boar Slicer (2H Axe).

I'm leveling in the Barrens at the moment.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

And it's over

Toontown has shut down.
I'm still very upset that I did not get to see it happen, but maybe it saved me some tears to not have to be there myself?

Why Now?!

This is an error that many Toontown players are encountering at the moment. Many are unable to log in. It does not appear to be affecting people who are already logged in, however. So, if you are playing this game and you are already in the game, please, do your best to not log off, or you will not be able to get back on at this time!

And please, if you are still able to play, fight the cogs for those of us who cannot. There is the possibility that the rest of us may not be able to log on again, so please, play until the final moments for those of us who may not be able to!

Well, this is it.

Last day of Toontown.
I'm not crying yet, but I know I will be in a few hours.

Miss Binky Octofish
I took my screenshots yesterday. Particularly of my Toons.

Miss Binky Octomuffin is only level 15. I made her just this morning. She looks identical and has the same name as my very first Toon.
Rococo and Cardboard Viking are still in Toontown Central.
Thyme just reached Donald's Dock yesterday.
Nobody is in Minnie's Melodyland.
Miss Binky Octofish is in Donald's Dreamland.

Miss Binky Octomuffin
Miss Binky Octofish is, by far, the eldest. I've had her since 2004-ish. I remember that when I was little we went to a Not So Scary Halloween Party in Walt Disney World, and I dressed up as her. I was so happy to dress up as her, and I mastered how to do the little dance thing and the wave that Toons do.

And goodbye to my Doodles as well: Viking, Euphoria, Fungus, Alchemy, Fable, and Duchess.

Also, sorry, I have absolutely no idea what's going on with the formatting of the pictures on this page.


Cardboard Viking

Monday, September 16, 2013

Trying to get my last Toontown playing done

So, this is it. In just 3 days, the game I grew up with will be gone. All the characters I've had for 10 years will be gone. The place where I was able to play with my best friend will be gone.

I have to prepare to say goodbye to Miss Binky Octofish, Nobody, Cardboard Viking, Thyme, and Rococo. As well as to all the other toons that I had in the past. To all my toon friends. To the NPCs that I'm so used to seeing.  To my doodles, Euphoria, Fungus, and Viking. To the highest Laff I've ever achieved: 79.

I still remember when I went to a Not So Scary Halloween Party in Disney World. I went as my character, Miss Binky Octofish.

I have been playing this game since I was 8. I am 18 now. I have literally grown up with this game. It is very, very difficult to see it go.

My first toon was an electric green rabbit, long ears, tall body and legs, wearing a purple floral top and skirt. Her name was Miss Binky Octomuffin. She got to 50 or so Laff. I remember very well how proud I felt when I got my Anvil.

My main since, I would say 2004, is Miss Binky Octofish. Same build as Octomuffin, but a tan cat instead. Her first outfit was a blue striped top and skirt. She is dropless.

Sorry for the lack of posts, I'm just a mess this week, I'm afraid. It didn't feel real until yesterday, when I realized it was coming up this week. What's going to happen at the last moment of the game? Will the screen just go black? Will we get some sort of closure? Will my computer just give me an error saying that "Toontown.exe has encountered an error and needs to close."? Will we be able to leave knowing that the Toons have defeated the Cogs?

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I'll probably put up pictures of my Toons and other things that I've been proud of.

Having Rufus Wainwright's "Hallelujah" stuck in my head is not helping matters.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Playing Maplestory again!

I started playing Maplestory again, for a while, at least!
I just started a new Cygnus Knight. If anyone wants to come find me, I'm on El Nido, and my name's DecoruMaria. I'm a Wind Archer, level 40!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Totally Unrelated, but...

I know, I know, this is totally unrelated to gaming.

Even so, I have to do it!

I've started another blog! Don't worry, it won't mean that I'll be taking any time away from this one, but the new one is so I can write about my other interests besides gaming. I can only really write my posts here when I'm actually doing something gaming-relevant. My non-gaming stuff can be found at the new site.

The new blog is

Its proper name is Prosaic Grandeur.
Basically, everyday state of being impressive.

I did not mention gaming in the blog at all so far (I mean, I only have one post there as I write this post, but still!), but I intend to perhaps broach the topic at some point. Not sure how or when yet, but needless to say that gaming is certainly as big a part of my personality as the content of the other blog. :)

A Troublesome Dilemma

So, I just found out that the PS4 will not be backwards compatible.
This is quite the troublesome little conundrum I now find myself in.

I had been intending on getting a PS4 fairly soon, specifically due to the announcement of Kingdom Hearts III.

I'm pretty sure I've never mentioned it on this blog before, but I have been a huge Kingdom Hearts fan for many years. I have completed all the current games  (except CoM. Ugh, CoM) multiple times, and can recite the game lore coherently (as coherently as KH lore can be recited, that is) with ease, particularly anything involving Organization XIII.

I remember the first time I played it was when I was 10, in Disney World. I'm pretty sure it was in Innoventions in Epcot. I thought it was a Winnie the Pooh game (it was at the Destiny Islands bit in the first game). I didn't know the name, and could hardly remember the promotional image, but the game itself was stuck in my mind. A few years later, I saw a game called Kingdom Hearts at Walmart, I think. I recognized the main character on the front of the game and got very, very excited. This was the game I had played and loved. We bought it, and began playing it. Needless to say, I was emotionally scarred for quite some time after the whole Heartless ordeal in Destiny Island and stopped playing for quite some time. When I picked it back up again, however, I fell in love.
Fast forward to now. I have fully completed Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, 358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, Coded, and Dream Drop Distance. I've almost completed Sora's part of Chain of Memories (I'm on the last battle with Larxene, I believe), but I hate the card system, so I don't play it often.

Anyway, the dilemma is...

Do I get a PS3 or a PS4? I had been desperately hoping that PS4 would be backwards compatible. Since it's not, that leaves me with the issue of which one to get.

On one hand, PS4 will allow me to play KH3, which I am very much anticipating.
On the other hand, PS3 has the Kingdom Hearts HD Remix (KHII controls for KH1? Yes please), Journey, and Project Diva f, which are all games I've been wanting.

I'll be sad to miss out on either Kingdom Hearts title. :(

Just my ranting.

Finally! Pictures!

I figured out where my screenshots for FFXIV: ARR are stored! So, picture time!
These are all from a few levels ago, since I haven't really been able to play since I last posted! I was, sadly, busy during the times that it was easy to log in, so by the time I got home, the servers were already full.
But, since that's (hopefully) fixed now, I can play at whatever time (I hope)! I was able to get in just fine this morning, with my only issue being a 5006 error that went away when I relogged.
Anyway, here's my character, Panha Fashonti!

Then, there's that alt-obsessive bit of me saying that I should make a new Miqo'te since Panha doesn't stand out much: I don't know about the other servers, but on Adamantoise, all I ever see are white-haired Seekers of the Moon!