Thursday, December 25, 2014

Any recommendations?

Are there any offline games with a good co-op mode? Offline co-op specifically. I just got Dragon Age Inquisition and was disappointed to discover that the co-op mode is online only (or I'm doing something wrong, but I think it's online only).

Reason being that I've always wanted to play a co-op game with my boyfriend. He doesn't have a internet connection that he can use with his Xbox at his house, and he doesn't get to my house very often because my dad is intimidating (really friendly and not really intimidating, but he is menacing looking, I suppose)

My favorite kinds of games are, of course, MMOs, but his internet connection is not sturdy enough to be able to play with me, plus he's a bit antisocial and doesn't really want to be playing with a bunch of people, but we'd really like to be able to play together.

Competitive games are out. We have plenty of those, but neither of us is very competitive and we'd rather play together, not against each other.

So far the games we are able to play together are:

  • WWE 2K14 (so long as we are playing as both males or both females, or one of us plays and the other plays the referee)
  • Borderlands (Shooters aren't really up my alley and this game frustrates him as well; like the loot system though!)
  • Pokemon Rumble (super fun, but we can only play it at my house)
  • Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (Battle Maison Multi-Battles. Not really co-op like I prefer, of course)
  • Diablo III (Gore levels make us both a bit ill)
  • Goat Simulator (again, not co-op like I'd like)
  • Left 4 Dead I-don't-know-what-number (Zombies are scary)
Inquisition seemed ideal since there's even tanks and healers, and I would have loved that but he just doesn't have a stable internet connection.

So, does anyone  know of any games that are co-op, offline, and you know, kind of like MMO format? And preferably not zombies and something with a gore filter if necessary, would be nice. I know it's awfully specific. But I can dream, right?

The systems we have access to are:
Xbox 360, Gamecube, PS2, Wii, all Gameboy/DS versions

We can do system link on the xbox as well as we both have one.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Back to FFXIV

I've been back into FFXIV as of late.
I'm afraid I have been indoctrinated by the Lalafells, as I am now playing a Lala myself.

My character is Poposhu Poshu on the Midgardsormir server. I am currently only a level 10 Conjurer, and I likely will be for some time as I intend to level up most of the professions a bit before continuing on (storyline quests + Conjurer = not all that fun, really, plus, I still really like Archer/Bard).

Anyway, my Lala is adorable and I'm taking my time leveling through and all that.

As for my little upset episode last week, I have made the decision to drop out of animation and instead look at what the local state college has to offer (my only real option is the state college as it is the only place I can commute to). Thinking about Computer Science right now, but I'm not going to worry about it until after Christmas.
All I know is that Animation was not the right choice for me (at least, not formal classes for it. I would still like to pursue it as a hobby, maybe make YouTube videos or something, but I do not think I have the artistic talent to pursue it professionally, and I don't like the job outlook either, so continuing on), so I feel rather relieved and stressed at the same time. Relieved to be out of a stressful situation, and newly stressed because I am dreading doing the application process again, not to mention taking all those gen-eds that animation school did not require. Oh, and I'll have to probably take remedial classes before I can even get into a school because my high school did not give us the opportunity to take the necessary classes (I like to tell the story about how they were offering Physics, but I was the only one who actually signed up, so it was cancelled and I was placed in a study hall instead).
So, new chapter. College Attempt Number 3!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Rather frustrated!

First of all, before I start this: I've still got a ton of leftover Sylveons, so I'll be sending those out intermittently throughout the next week or so. If you didn't get one today, it's possible you'll get one at any time this week. Probably not during the day tomorrow or Sunday, as my boyfriend's house does not have wi-fi, but I'll likely send them out in rather large batches once I get home at around 9:30 PM EST or so.

Anyway, I'm frustrated and just need to vent for a minute, but bear with me.

I've come to the conclusion that an art career is not for me. I didn't go into animation expecting a full-on art career; I went in knowing that learn programs quickly and that doing 3D modeling and rigging sounded interesting, but the fact of the matter is that there is a LOT more traditional art skills involved in that then I initially though, and I am not a particularly artistically inclined woman.
But, I'm also definitely not a mathematically inclined person either. I have an interest in physics, but I am very aware that physics is not a realistic major for me in any way because I'd need a few years of just remedial math before I could even apply or a physics course, so that's pretty much out.
What I am is technologically inclined. Put a computer in front of me and ask me to fix a problem and I'm good. I always have been. My dad has been working in tech support for 25+ years and we've always had way more computers than necessary around because my dad likes to keep up with all the new computers (I myself have...7, maybe? Including one wicked old one running Windows 98, another rather old one running Windows XP, my Windows 7 one which recently permanently died, and one Mac). I learned how to type before I could spell very well. I've been known to do thing such as yell the step to fix a problem from the bathroom without seeing the computer. I've been praised for typing extremely quickly. I've also been told that I have immense patience for computers, which is silly. That kind of stuff.

And I'm frustrated 1) because I don't want to reapply to yet another school (especially since I don't think my credits will transfer and my highschool did not allow me to even remotely reach college-acceptance minimums for credits, and 2) I don't know what sort of career path I should be looking at. What fits the skillset of someone who is great with computers, but not all that good at anything else (I run a video game blog and I'm not even really good at video games!). It seems like a useful skill, but I'm really not finding it all that useful to find a career path to match. So it's frustrating.

Sylveon Wonder Trade Giveaway!

All day today I will be putting Modest Sylveons through Wonder Trade.

Can't guarantee the IVs, but they should be pretty clean EV wise. They will all be level 9 and with different TM moves on each + Fairy Wind. They were all leveled up to 9 exclusively on Remoraids, so any EVs they have are in Special Attack. I can also 100% guarantee that they are Modest because I put an Everstone on my Modest Eevee that I'm breeding, so yes, it will definitely be Modest.

So, if you get a Modest Sylveon with OT Jennya, that would be one from me! Yay!

They will be sent out in batches of five before I have to go make more Sylveons/do homework.

I'm atoning for the fact that I spammed Wonder Trade with Wailmers the other day because I'm a horrible person.

Monday, December 1, 2014

DCUO Characters

I just realized that I never did post pictures of my DCUO characters!

This is Toyosatomimi, my level 30 Nature power Hero. Not doing much with her because I'm having trouble healing with Nature. My pheromones aren't showing up where they're supposed to, so I can't tell if they are working or not.
This is Lady Elza, my Electricity power hero, level 12. Hoping to learn to heal with her instead. I also just got that purple aura out of a promethium lockbox, and I know it doesn't really match her color scheme, but I really wanted to use it, and I've been playing her more than Toyosatomimi.
 As for what I'm up to right now:

In between schoolwork (Art Fundamentals = Tons of work), Pokémon Omega Ruby, and leveling my Electricity hero here, I've been working on a newbie guide for DCUO.

I am really, really happy with DCUO right now. Level 30 being the cap is great for me, because I can realistically reach it with any alts I make. The monthly subscription is working well for me, and it gives me all the DLCs, tons of bank space, and plenty of space for alts. Acrobatics is super fun. I really like the sound of the healing style (haven't really gotten to try it yet because I can't figure out Nature Pheromones). The game feels like it has just the right amount of casual content and hardcore raiding. If I feel like raiding, I can go do that, or I can do 4 man dungeons, duos, or solo challenges. I'm inspired to log on every day to do my Joker Vault and maybe a solo challenge. Exobit farming in-between queues doesn't sound so bad, and scaling buildings is a cinch with Acrobatics. Gearing up seems simple enough. There's lots of builds for trait trees, and I don't feel like I'd really be gimping myself by picking one of the less popular builds (so long as I'm hitting the important things, like Restoration on my healer). Being able to keep the stats of my good gear and still wear the style of any gear I like (with no fee, I might add) is perfect. The healing classes are interesting and unique (I never thought of a class that heals by shooting electricity!). The idea of the Controller role is interesting. Auras are shiny. Plot is interesting enough. Players seem helpful enough, as far as online games go.

Oh! And I just set up a guild: "Touhou." If anyone would like to join up, just let me know either here, on in-game on Toyosatomimi or Lady Elza.