Saturday, June 29, 2013

5LP: Theeriyi LEVEL 90

Guess who's level 90?
Yeah, I'm not sure how that's possible either.

So yeah, hit level 90 a couple hours ago. Been doing dailies for the first time!
I ran my first scenario. We wiped. It was great.
My priority right now is gearing so I can heal. I've gotten a couple requests to come and heal, and I've had to turn them down because I don't have the gear or experience to heal just yet!

I'm really excited. So excited that I'm calm. It's the strangest feeling.

Well, this is distressing

Taking a break from Decorum to try and get some heirlooms. So, leveling Theeriyi to 90.
Just got my first Dread Wastes quest. Spiders. Stupid. Unavoidable. Spindly. Spiders.
What's an arachnophobic to do?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

5LP: Decorum Level 15!

Just hit level 15 with Decorum! Steady progress is steady...

Golden Sunshine Cloak, Sentinel Hill Surcoat, Red Linen Shirt, Elastic Wristguards, Evidence Collection Gloves, Crime Scene Tape, Legwork Trousers, Harvester Boots, Torchlight Wand, Kobold Candle (off-hand)

I'm still feeling good about this character!

5LP: Decorum Level 10!

Decorum is level 10! I'm not really rushing around; I'm just taking my time and enjoying the quests.

Wine-Stained Cloak, Well-Stitched Robe, Red Linen Shirt, Elastic Wristguards, Patchwork Gloves, Crime Scene Tape, Uncle Stonefield's Pants, Wolf Fur Boots, Long Bayonet (dagger).

I'm making steady progress!

First Time: Sha of Anger & Galleon

I had the opportunity to join a raid group to take down the Sha of Anger and Galleon last night, as Theeriyi. I think I was the lowest level, but no one really minded.

Have I mentioned yet that my father plays WoW? Well, he does. I will admit that it is entirely my fault. I asked him to play after I had already been playing for a year. He loved it, and now he has a bunch of level 90s (while I still have only an 88...).

Anyway, my father does Sha of Anger and Galleon fairly often. Actually, his guild does it fairly often. So, he invited me along now that I'm a high enough level. The only issue was that I couldn't exactly fly in Pandaria...because, you know, level 88 and all. It ended up being fine though, since a couple of his guildmates had two-person flying mounts and gave me a ride.

It was fun! The only drops I ended up with were gold and a little quest item thing from the Sha of Anger that I can't use until 90, but I don't really care. It was enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Nostalgic Post

As I'm walking around fighting Murlocs with my shiny new Warlock, Decorum, I'm reminded of when I first started playing WoW.

It was in 2009, during Wrath of the Lich King. I believe it must have been June. I always feel nostalgic during this time of year, since I remember that I started playing during the Midsummer Fire Festival.

A friend of mine recommended playing, since he was max level on Horde, on the Nazgrel server. One day, I was at the store with my grandmother and happened to see The Burning Crusade on sale. We bought it, and I brought it home to download it. Much to my dismay, this was an expansion pack, and required the base game to play. My parents picked that up for me too. My dad went overboard and bought Wrath of the Lich King while we were at it. Don't know why.

My first character (not including the Night Elf Druid that I took a few steps with, saw spiders, and deleted her) was a Blood Elf Warlock named Faedrasha. I was so proud when I hit level 2! She only ever got to level 11, but that was good enough for me. I remember doing the quest to get my Voidwalker, and dying multiple times in Ghostlands doing said quest. Nevertheless, I got that Voidwalker, and that was one of the proudest moments of my time on WoW.

Sadly, Faedrasha did not last long. As you all know by now, I have the attention span of a squirrel. My second (third, counting the Night Elf) was a Tauren Druid named Ocochewa. She only ever got to level 8 before Cataclysm hit.

I loved Cataclysm. A lot. I could finally level more efficiently. Ocochewa got to level 20, and I got my first mount (sadly, she never made it higher than 23). Faedrasha was remade multiple times, but I never found myself enjoying myself while playing a Warlock.

Now, in Mists of Pandaria, I feel like playing a Warlock more seriously for the first time since 2009. Sure, you've seen me make and remake various Warlock alts, but those were sort of a novelty for me. This time, I actually want to make a Warlock. I want to level her to max level. I want to focus just on her and make her my main. I want her to be higher than Theeriyi.

The reason? Yesterday, I received a letter in the mail. It was written by me, in 8th grade. 2009. My old middle school sent our letters to us, now that we've all graduated. One of the things I had written to myself were my characters in the games I played. Faedrasha was listed. I remembered how proud I was of hitting level 2. How proud I was when I got my Voidwalker. And somehow, I feel like I let my younger self down. I never did level Faedrasha. I got bored of her and deleted her. She was my first character, and I do wish that I had kept her. So, I've created this new incarnation of her: a human to match my change to Alliance.

So, I intend to put my effort into Decorum now. I'll still log onto my others, of course (particularly my tank and healers!), but I want to focus on Decorum. I got my Voidwalker a couple levels ago, and it's the first time I've been excited to play a Warlock in a while.

Does anyone else have fond memories of their first character?

5LP: Decorum Level 5

I decided I wanted a new warlock.
So I made a new warlock.

I got a very unfortunate Imp name: Lazyal. I've just been calling him Al.
And yes, that is Pickles, my token snail.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

WoW: Guess what I've been doing?

I started tanking! So, although I'm still primarily healing, I have a tank now too! I'm having more fun than I thought I would, honestly.

So, here she is! This is little Tinkathrott, my Protection Warrior Gnome. Level 18, at the moment.

Cookie's Table Cloth, Sentinel Hill Breastplate, Ironforge Tabard, Gregorky's Bracers, Saldean's Working Gloves, Earthbound Girdle of Stamina, Soldier's Boots of Stamina, Jambiya (dagger), Wax Catcher (shield).

Saturday, June 22, 2013

5LP: Amorleia level 35!

Playing WoW again (and soul caliber, still, but WoW more, since I'm sick...).
And, I just got Amorleia to level 35! I have dual-specialization now! Shadow/Discipline, although I've really only been using Disc today, and healing dungeons and such.

My equips right now...

Whitemane's Embroidered Chapeau, Tumultuous Necklace of the Moon, Enumerated Shoulderpads of the Vision, Scorched Earth Cloak, Robes of the Koegler, Agamaggan's Gift, Enumerated Handwraps of the Vision, Elder's Sash of the Owl, Gaze Dreamer Pants, Nimbus Boots, Agamaggan's Clutch, Beastbinder Ring, Magician Staff of Spirit.

My Tailoring is level 167, my Enchanting is level 165.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Game!

I bought Soul Calibur IV yesterday, after playing it at my boyfriend's the day before and loving it. So I've been playing it pretty obsessively for the past day. I'm taking a WoW break right now because my fingers are tired and cold.

I've been playing as a custom character using Amy's style.
She's equipped with: Prayer Helm, Ribbon, Pauldrons, Ring Trousers, Prayer Robe, Goddess Gauntlets, Goth Skirt, Shinobi Tabi, Belle Boots, and Soul Edge is her weapon. Her abilities are HP Drain A, Nullify Counter C, and Nullify Ring Out C.

My Amy is level 9. I'm stuck on Floor 20 of the Tower of Souls. Impact Heal is mean. For Tower of Souls, I've been using a custom Amy, my custom character, and Scheherazade, which all use Amy's style, which is the one I've been best with. I'm also pretty good with Tira and Xuanghua.

...I'll go back to WoW now.

EDIT: I wasn't aware that 9 is the max level! Silly me!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pokemon SoulSilver: Gym 3!

I've been playing Pokémon SoulSilver the past couple of days, accompanying my boyfriend, who is playing HeartGold.

I just recently beat the 3rd gym, so, here's my team!

Slowpoke: Level 13, Relaxed, (Water Gun, Yawn, Tackle, Headbutt)
Togepi: Level 18, Modest, (Sweet Kiss, Headbutt, Extrasensory, Yawn)
Geodude: Level 20, Relaxed, (Headbutt, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Magnitude)
Beedrill: Level 11, Rash, (Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Fury Attack)
Oddish: Level 12, Relaxed, (Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid)
Quilava: Level 21, Naughty, (Headbutt, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel, Ember)

My main priority right now is leveling my Slowpoke, Beedrill, and Oddish to a more respectable level.

Bad Luck...

I tried playing WoW again today. Went into a dungeon...
Fell off a bridge into lava...with no way of getting back up...

The amount of damage it was doing was so miniscule that my character was regaining more HP than she was losing, so no death by lava. I eventually had to just swim underwater and drown in order to escape. It was rather depressing. I tried hearthing out, but the damage kept interrupting it...

Blizzard, if you ever see this for some reason, I believe this was Upper Blackrock Spire, although I'm not sure. But please, PLEASE, make sure that there is place to climb up out of lava pits for those of us who lava doesn't kill. :(

Friday, June 7, 2013

Ragnarok Online 2 Review

Hi! Well, I've graduated from highschool now, and I'm still looking for a job, so, in the meantime, how about I get this blog back up and running?

So, today, I'm going to be reviewing Ragnarok Online 2!
I would like to start by pointing out that I never played the original Ragnarok, so this is an entirely new experience for me!
To begin with, in my opinion, this game is beautiful aesthetically. The character models are fantastic, the surroundings are nice, and the music is amazing (particularly that character selection screen music, that I'm currently listening to on repeat...).
The controls aren't too bad. There's some things that I haven't quite figured out, such as how to get to my skills in between level-ups, and what in the world the Khara window is. Your job (profession) skills are in a strange spot: J. But, your bags are indeed opened with B, which is great.
Speaking of the bags, one of my biggest issues with this game at the moment is that you get so much loot from monsters, but you don't have enough space to carry everything. For that matter, I haven't found many places to sell things yet either. And there's so many potions and event-item-things that I can't or don't want to drop on the ground in order to pick up a piece of necessary equipment or something.
Character customization was very nice. Like I said though, I adore these character models for some reason. There's a decent selection of basic classes. You can pick a Swordsman, Magician, Archer, Thief, or Acolyte. Swordsmen can become Warriors or Knights. Magicians can become Wizards or Sorcerers. Archers can become Rangers or Beastmasters. Thieves can become Rogues or Assassins. Acolytes can become Monks or Priests.
Questing is a tiny bit clumsy, and I can't really think of a way to explain it. Crafting is a bit slow sometimes too, but it's really not that bad.
I'm still in the starting area, so I'm afraid that that is all I can write for now. I'll add more once I know a bit more about the game.