Saturday, January 9, 2016

PDP Shard of Dreams Guide Part 27: Path to Suzuran Field

Part 26 can be found here.

So, from the Human Village, exit through the bottom left exit (as if you were heading to Misty Lake or Kourindou).

As soon as you can go down / see the old man, go down and you'll see that the path is no longer blocked down here. Head down through the screen change.

Here, to your left is a Jizou Statue to make an offering to. Continue down to a grassy patch. Here, you can capture Daiyouse, Lily, Louise, Mamizou, and Meira. Wild Puppets at this point are around level 40, by the way.

Continuing along, fight the Farmer with a level 40 YuukaP. Continue along until you come across another large patch of grass with a boy walking around in it. He'll fight you with a level 39 NueD and a level 39 SeijaS. The girl nearby will fight you with a level 40 EllenP.

Further along, go up some steps, and then go left (don't go up the next set of steps). Then go up another set of steps and fight the man with a level 39 SeigaS and a level 39 FutoP. Just past him is a Yin Yang Orb containing a Paste of the Fog. Head back down all the steps, and continue right.

When you see a girl and some ledges, go right, through the grass. Go up and fight the girl with a level 39 NitoriS and a level 39 WakasagiP. Go right and hop into the water. Go straight down to the grass and pick up a Yin Yang Orb containing Skill Card 88. Now head back over to the ledges, and go down. Fight the girl with a level 40 KokoroP and then go up the nearby steps, then up the next set too. Go left and up yet another set of steps. Then go up and fight the fairy with a level 39 StarD and a level 39 CirnoP.

Continue past her and go left and then up. Go right when you can through some grass and pick up a Yin Yang Orb containing an Oath Thread, then head left. Fight the fairy with a level 39 SunnyA and a level 39 LunaP. Go down two sets of steps, and then turn right. Go up the next set of steps and go straight up to the rocks. The rock to the left contains a Prismatic Candy. Go back down the steps and continue going right. Go up when you can and pick up the Yin Yang Orb containing a Champion's Medal. Then head down and right. There's two ladies standing off to the right. The girl will fight you with a level 40 SatoriA and a level 39 AliceP. The Beast Youkai uses a level 40 MamizouD.

Go down past them (not down the steps yet though) and then up some steps. Turn left and pick up the Yin Yang Orb containing Skill Card 26. Then go right and down some steps. This brings you to a house. To the right of the house is a Yin Yang Orb containing Skill Card 61. The house itself is locked. Head back up to the two ladies and go down the steps near them.

This brings you to a very grassy area. In the grass here is a fairy who will fight you with a level 38 OrangeP, level 38 TokikoA, and a level 38 RumiaD. Go down and to the left, then up some steps. Go up and fight the fairy with a level 40 AyaS and then go down. Go down two sets of steps and keep going. A woman will fight you with a level 39 YoumuP and a level 39 SakuyaS.

Past her is an Inn. The Shopkeeper here sells Talismans, Magatama, Contract Thread, Oath Thread, and Skill Cards 43, 44, 51, and 59.

Heal and stock up and get ready for the next section!

Part 28 can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. 3 years later so you may not even read this but... After getting Skill Card 88 you can go up and turn take the 2nd path right to go back to Route 5 and find Skill Card 96 on some grass. The 1st path right leads to a Hakurei Shinshu on the other side of the water.

    I'm replaying SoD right now and your guide is really helpful :D
