Monday, November 19, 2012

WoW: What are your favorite Specs?

Just as the title, says, what are your favorite specs to play? Or, what specs would you want to play, but don't, for various reasons. What are your least favorites?

Warriors, I only really like Arms. I'm not fond of duel-wielding, but I love the look of great swords. My least favorite spec is the tanking one, whatever it's called...I will never, ever tank.

Paladins I like retribution. I don't feel right healing as a Pally, and, again, I hate tanking. So, ret!

For Rogues,  I loooove subtlety. I honestly hate Combat though. I know people who like it, but I'm just no entirely fond of it. I love the play style of sub too much to ever switch!

As for Mages, I've tried all three before, and I'm fond of both Arcane and Fire. I feel like Fire is a bit more fun though, since Arcane is rather predictable. My least favorite is Frost, despite the water elemental pet.

With Shamans, I'm fond of all three specs. I guess my favorite is Elemental, and my least favorite is Enhancement though?

Druids, I love both Feral (cat), and Balance. I hate the bear tanking spec, for obvious reasons, and I'm not fond of Druid healing.

I absolutely love Windwalker Monks, and I'm rather fond of Mistweavers as well. I hate Brewmasters. Not only because they're tanks either! Every time I've seen a Brewmaster out playing, they haven't been very nice. I'm sure there's nice ones out there, but I haven't had the pleasure to meet one.

With Warlocks, I'm not fond of Destruction. I used to really love Affliction, but I'm leaning more towards Demonology now.

As for Hunters, in my opinion, the only way to go is Marksmanship! That stems from my love of archery in real life though, and less to do with the spec itself. My least favorite is Survival.

As for Priests, I love Shadow and all, but I love Discipline more. I'm not fond of Holy.

I...I feel like I'm missing one...? Am I? WHAT AM I MISSING?!

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