Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sorry it's late, but...5LP: Elzabethi level 30

Elzabethi is now level 30! I know, I know, I skipped level 25 because I forgot...

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm wearing cloth gear. The first piece of Intellect Leather I've seen was in the last dungeon I did. Haven't seen any as dungeon drops. And I've been leveling so fast through the dungeons that I haven't had time to really do many actual quests, so gear hasn't been replaced. Trust me, I don't WANT to be wearing these cloth robes.

Equips (oh goodness):

Preened Tribal Warfeathers, Tumultuous Necklace of the Moon, Hann Ibal's Epaulettes, Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak, Robe of Kelris, Paramedic Bracers, Dervish Gloves of the Owl, Vigorous Belt of the Vision, Preened Wildfeather Leggings, Gloaming Band, Sustaining Ring, Gift of the Enigmatic Tree (staff)

Almost everything is dungeon quest rewards, I think, aside from the dungeon freebie packs you get whenever you complete one.
Let's talk about those Paramedic Bracers for a second, okay? Item Level: 9. I've had them since the Worgen starting zone. Somehow no Intellect bracers have dropped and I have yet to receive one from a quest reward. How embarrassing.

And don't worry, I click Greed for cloth gear even if it's an upgrade. I would never take it from someone that is supposed to wear cloth gear. :)

I've had both good groups and bad ones. But no matter what, I can honestly say that I still enjoy healing more. DPS is so stressful! Healing is calming...
I mean, really. If I'm healing a dungeon, I worry about five targets total. Unless I'm a Disc Priest or MW Monk, and even then, you're still only really worrying about five targets. With DPS, I'm paying attention to waaaay more targets, plus all sorts of other things.
Healing is like "HP up? Check. No one's diseased, etc? Check. Buffs up? Check. Mana okay? Check."
With DPS I have to pay attention to making sure I do my rotation alright ("am I working towards Solar or Lunar right now?"), keep track of Starsurge so I make sure I use it when available (as long as I'm not in Eclipse), paying attention to Shooting Stars procs, watching my own health, making sure to apply Moonfire/Sunfire, making sure to apply Faerie Fire on bosses, figuring out when's a good time to use Solar Beam, make sure I keep up with the party, make sure I don't aggro anything by accident, make sure I don't do too much damage so I don't pull aggro.
Healing just seems so simple in comparison.

That said, I am enjoying my Balance Druid, and I don't intend to switch her over to Resto. I can get my healing fix from my Paladin or Priest or something.

I was initially going to try leveling a Warlock, but I'm kind of glad that I didn't. I can't imagine doing everything I'm doing now, but also having a pet to micromanage!

Suddenly, I have a lot more respect for people that DPS in raids and such. I can't even imagine.

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