Ok, as soon as I got home from work and did some homework I completely rearranged my slime ranch because I decided it just took too long to feed them all and was impractical.
So, now I have:
Main Ranch - Honey Hunter Largos, Rock Boom Largos, Phosphor Tabby Largos, and Pink Slimes (will be Pink Mosaics once I get some Mosaics). I keep the Phosphor Tabbies on the far side near the entrance to Overgrowth, and I grow Cuberries for them there. Honey Hunters and Rock Booms are in the center corrals, with Mint Mangoes and Heart Beets growing right with them. The Pink Slimes are on the upper area near the house, with Silver Parsnips growing right there as well.
Grotto - I just have Quantum Tabby Largos in here. Also have two sets of Pogofruit trees as Phase Lemon fodder, and two sets of Phase Lemon trees.
Overgrowth - Just have Tangle Rad Largos here. I grow Oca Oca for them right nearby, and a silo for whatever I may need it for. On the farthest part from the slimes I keep a pen with Painted chickens. I also have some Painted chickens freerange roaming around near the slime pen. I keep the penned in chickens just in case the population of free-roaming ones dies out.
Docks -
I don't really do anything with this area because it's too inconvenient to get to since I don't have any teleporters yet. I have my Puddle Slimes in the free pool, a silo, and three gardening patches for if I ever need them.
Lab -
I keep Crystal Dervish Largos in the farthest plot, with Heart Beets growing right nearby (I'll switch these for Prickle Pears as soon as I am able to). As far as possible from the Crystal Dervishes, I have an Incinerator for Fire Slimes. And then on the two remaining patches I have chicken pens with just normal chickens, as fodder for the Fire Slimes.
So yep! Quite pleased! Once I get the last two things I need (Mosaic Slimes and Prickle Pears) I'll focus more on Slime Science stuff and making my farm look pretty.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Slime Rancher!
I got Slime Rancher for PC yesterday! And I could not be happier with it! I've been playing it practically non-stop when I'm able to. Review may be incoming at some point.
But I thought I'd just share / brag a bit about my ranch right now, because I'm wicked proud of it. I am 7Zee rank 14.
Main Ranch
Tabby Hunter Largos - Fed with Stony / Briar Hens
Honey Boom Largos - Fed with Mint Mangos
Honey Rad Largos - Fed with Oca Oca
Rock Crystal Largos - Fed with Heart Beets
Pink Rad Largos - Fed with Silver Parsnips
I also grow Silver Parsnips and raise Stony / Briar chickens in this area.
Quantum Phosphor Largos - Fed with Phase Lemons.
I grow Phase Lemons, Cuberries, and Oca Oca in this area. I grow the Cuberries to convert into Phase Lemons. I also have a silo for leftover Cuberries.
Honey Dervish Largos - Fed with Pogofruit
Fire Slimes in an Incinerator.
I grow Pogofruits, and raise Painted / Normal chickens here. The normal chickens are for the Fire Slimes. The Painted ones are just for show, for now.
I plan to get rid of the Pogofruits and add in Mint Mangos next time I log in. And then eventually I'll switch to Prickle Pears as soon as I get some.
Honey Tangle Largos - Fed with Pogofruit
I grow Pogofruits, Mint Mangos, and Heart Beets here.
I'll probably get rid of the Pogofruits and put in even more Mint Mangos for the Honey Tangles.
This area is such a pain to get to that I don't really do anything with it. I keep Puddle Slimes in the free water area, and I check on them rarely. I also grow Odd Onions here, and have a silo for them. But that's about it. I avoid coming down here unless I really need those Puddle Plorts.
But I thought I'd just share / brag a bit about my ranch right now, because I'm wicked proud of it. I am 7Zee rank 14.
Main Ranch
Tabby Hunter Largos - Fed with Stony / Briar Hens
Honey Boom Largos - Fed with Mint Mangos
Honey Rad Largos - Fed with Oca Oca
Rock Crystal Largos - Fed with Heart Beets
Pink Rad Largos - Fed with Silver Parsnips
I also grow Silver Parsnips and raise Stony / Briar chickens in this area.
Quantum Phosphor Largos - Fed with Phase Lemons.
I grow Phase Lemons, Cuberries, and Oca Oca in this area. I grow the Cuberries to convert into Phase Lemons. I also have a silo for leftover Cuberries.
Honey Dervish Largos - Fed with Pogofruit
Fire Slimes in an Incinerator.
I grow Pogofruits, and raise Painted / Normal chickens here. The normal chickens are for the Fire Slimes. The Painted ones are just for show, for now.
I plan to get rid of the Pogofruits and add in Mint Mangos next time I log in. And then eventually I'll switch to Prickle Pears as soon as I get some.
Honey Tangle Largos - Fed with Pogofruit
I grow Pogofruits, Mint Mangos, and Heart Beets here.
I'll probably get rid of the Pogofruits and put in even more Mint Mangos for the Honey Tangles.
This area is such a pain to get to that I don't really do anything with it. I keep Puddle Slimes in the free water area, and I check on them rarely. I also grow Odd Onions here, and have a silo for them. But that's about it. I avoid coming down here unless I really need those Puddle Plorts.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Wow, The Vault is a lot less stressful as a DPS.
I took a bit of a hiatus from FFXIV because I've been so exhausted from work and school, but I have four days off this week, so I figured I'd play a bit. Decided to level Bard because I just don't feel like healing right now (it's such a pain to get back into the swing of it). Queued for Leveling Roulette, and got The Vault.
Waaaay less stressful than healing it!
I took a bit of a hiatus from FFXIV because I've been so exhausted from work and school, but I have four days off this week, so I figured I'd play a bit. Decided to level Bard because I just don't feel like healing right now (it's such a pain to get back into the swing of it). Queued for Leveling Roulette, and got The Vault.
Waaaay less stressful than healing it!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Still making good progress!
Did my weekly Deltascape today! Still going well!
Actually ended up solo healing V 3.0 because the other healer kept dying to mechanics continuously to the point where it was a loss to keep reviving them, and easier to just keep going by myself. Got comms and was recognized in the chat as well, which was nice.
All in all, I'm doing well in gearing too! Got the belt, boots, and legs done today! Only missing the body and weapon! All accessories are done with Deltascape + one ring with last week's Creation tomes. Everything else is Deltascape except the body and weapon which are still Verity.
I'm planning to save up my Creation this week and next week to get the Creation body since that'll only be two weeks, while if I wanted to get the Deltascape top it would take me three weeks due to poor planning. Plus, Creation is better anyway. And then it's just time to play the waiting game to get all the Creation gear.
I'm very proud of my glamour right now though. I was having difficulties seeing myself in some fights, and I have successfully solved that issue. I can see myself perfectly now!
Because I am now shiny and glowy! And also the clothes are all white, which also helps me stand out against the background a bit. Much easier to see myself now!
Also, it just looks nice.
Weapon - Antiquated Aymur (White Mage AF3)
Hat - Kudzu Hat of Healing
Body - Augmented Cashmere Robe of Healing
Gloves - Thavnairian Gloves
Legs - Housemaid's Bloomers
Boots - High House Halfboots
(All dyed with Snow White dye)
I like how the body, hat, and weapon all have purple on them too. I think it makes it more coherent. I like it! :)
Actually ended up solo healing V 3.0 because the other healer kept dying to mechanics continuously to the point where it was a loss to keep reviving them, and easier to just keep going by myself. Got comms and was recognized in the chat as well, which was nice.
All in all, I'm doing well in gearing too! Got the belt, boots, and legs done today! Only missing the body and weapon! All accessories are done with Deltascape + one ring with last week's Creation tomes. Everything else is Deltascape except the body and weapon which are still Verity.
I'm planning to save up my Creation this week and next week to get the Creation body since that'll only be two weeks, while if I wanted to get the Deltascape top it would take me three weeks due to poor planning. Plus, Creation is better anyway. And then it's just time to play the waiting game to get all the Creation gear.
I'm very proud of my glamour right now though. I was having difficulties seeing myself in some fights, and I have successfully solved that issue. I can see myself perfectly now!
Because I am now shiny and glowy! And also the clothes are all white, which also helps me stand out against the background a bit. Much easier to see myself now!
Also, it just looks nice.
Weapon - Antiquated Aymur (White Mage AF3)
Hat - Kudzu Hat of Healing
Body - Augmented Cashmere Robe of Healing
Gloves - Thavnairian Gloves
Legs - Housemaid's Bloomers
Boots - High House Halfboots
(All dyed with Snow White dye)
I like how the body, hat, and weapon all have purple on them too. I think it makes it more coherent. I like it! :)
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
What have I been up to?
Playing FFXIV: Stormblood, of course!
I believe I posted before talking about how I had managed to get past the Raubahn blockade late on the first day of early access, but I'm not sure if I've posted about what happened after that.
After that, I got stuck at the Pipin blockade, but got through that early the next day. From there, it was smooth sailing. Leveled quickly. I was the first level 70 in my FC. By the time I was 68, the first few other people from my FC were getting through Raubahn. I had just hit 70 and was on my way to do my last job quest when the FC called me in to give them my speedy healer queue for Susano.
From there, I did EX roulettes over and over for Verity, and fairly quickly got a full set of Verity gear. Didn't touch the EX Primals because I was scared.
Omega Deltascape normal came out. I cleared it early on day 1. I've done it the past two weeks too. I have my hat, gloves, and my full right side gear is done. My guild finally talked me into doing Lakshmi EX, but I'm not really going to bother to farm it.
Capped my Creation tomes today; bought the ring, so now my right side gear is really and truly as high as I can get it for the moment.
I should probably consider farming Susano EX for the weapon, but I don't want to really. An FC buddy said he'd go along with me for my first time in there, but our schedules haven't lined up, so I'm kind of just waiting Which I don't mind. EX Primals stress me out, so I'm not in a big rush to do Susano.
I'm feeling good about my healing though. I feel like my old healing anxiety has mostly passed. It's probably mostly because right before the expansion I was doing a ton of roulettes trying to get WHM to 60 / finally work on getting better gear, and I kept getting Chrysalis and Titan HM (both of my old nemeses), so I kind of became desensitized to rough healing.
Probably also helps that White Mage just feels great right now. I've been trying to level AST too, but the healing feels so much harder. With White Mage I know I can heal through practically anything thrown at me, and still have more than enough MP to spare (if you run out of MP / die, just hit Thin Air + Lucid Dreaming, and boom, full MP, and in battle your MP upkeeps itself with Assize. Thin Air + Swiftcast + Raise for a free raise. It's insane). With AST I can get through the same pull, but I'm going to have MP troubles and it's going to be messier.
All this said, there will be no Omega Savage for me. My FC isn't a raiding group, and I'm not particularly interested in joining a static anyway. It also just sounds like too much pressure. I raided for a short time in WoW, and I just don't like having the set times. It stressed me out and just felt like too much pressure. Plus, my schedule is weird and erratic. I'll stick to running "casual" content with random people and occasional FC runs of things, thank you very much.
I believe I posted before talking about how I had managed to get past the Raubahn blockade late on the first day of early access, but I'm not sure if I've posted about what happened after that.
After that, I got stuck at the Pipin blockade, but got through that early the next day. From there, it was smooth sailing. Leveled quickly. I was the first level 70 in my FC. By the time I was 68, the first few other people from my FC were getting through Raubahn. I had just hit 70 and was on my way to do my last job quest when the FC called me in to give them my speedy healer queue for Susano.
From there, I did EX roulettes over and over for Verity, and fairly quickly got a full set of Verity gear. Didn't touch the EX Primals because I was scared.
Omega Deltascape normal came out. I cleared it early on day 1. I've done it the past two weeks too. I have my hat, gloves, and my full right side gear is done. My guild finally talked me into doing Lakshmi EX, but I'm not really going to bother to farm it.
Capped my Creation tomes today; bought the ring, so now my right side gear is really and truly as high as I can get it for the moment.
I should probably consider farming Susano EX for the weapon, but I don't want to really. An FC buddy said he'd go along with me for my first time in there, but our schedules haven't lined up, so I'm kind of just waiting Which I don't mind. EX Primals stress me out, so I'm not in a big rush to do Susano.
I'm feeling good about my healing though. I feel like my old healing anxiety has mostly passed. It's probably mostly because right before the expansion I was doing a ton of roulettes trying to get WHM to 60 / finally work on getting better gear, and I kept getting Chrysalis and Titan HM (both of my old nemeses), so I kind of became desensitized to rough healing.
Probably also helps that White Mage just feels great right now. I've been trying to level AST too, but the healing feels so much harder. With White Mage I know I can heal through practically anything thrown at me, and still have more than enough MP to spare (if you run out of MP / die, just hit Thin Air + Lucid Dreaming, and boom, full MP, and in battle your MP upkeeps itself with Assize. Thin Air + Swiftcast + Raise for a free raise. It's insane). With AST I can get through the same pull, but I'm going to have MP troubles and it's going to be messier.
All this said, there will be no Omega Savage for me. My FC isn't a raiding group, and I'm not particularly interested in joining a static anyway. It also just sounds like too much pressure. I raided for a short time in WoW, and I just don't like having the set times. It stressed me out and just felt like too much pressure. Plus, my schedule is weird and erratic. I'll stick to running "casual" content with random people and occasional FC runs of things, thank you very much.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Friendly Reminder
If you love your healers there are two pulls you should not do.
You know that group of 2 enemies early on (I think 2nd pull) in Kugane Castle? Yeah, don't pull those to the big robot right nearby. First of all, those 2 hit hard. Second of all, a ton more enemies spawn at that robot. Just...don't. I know the pack of 2 seems underwhelming, but it's much less underwhelming than dying because your healer can't keep up.
The 2nd to last and last pulls of Temple of the Fist. The ones with the coeurls. Don't pull those together. Please. I just had to do that one. I think it's probably possible if your healer never stops healing, but if they happen to mess up and get hit by one of the coeurl's AoE in that mess then you're all dead because they're paralyzed, need to Esuna themselves, and there isn't time for that. And that's assuming you have a White Mage. I'm pretty sure an AST / SCH would be out of MP very quickly there.
Seriously, I can count on one hand the amount of times a group has wiped because I couldn't keep up with the healing on trash pulls. And all of those times have been on those two pulls.
Other iffy pulls that are doable, but not pleasant -
- Pulling the bird enemies to the pack with the dancing bear in Temple of the Fist. That one is doable with some careful healing, but it's not fun.
- Pulling enemies to the pack with the big Skipper enemy before the second boss of Sirensong. Doable. Not fun.
- Pulling any other packs with the bird packs in Bardam's Mettle. Doable. Not fun.
- Pulling enemies to the first pack of robots in Doma Castle. Again, doable. Not fun.
- Pulling multiple packs in Castrum Abania is just a bad idea in general. Everything hits so hard in there. Doesn't help that it never shows up in roulettes, so no one's really familiar with it, I think.
You know that group of 2 enemies early on (I think 2nd pull) in Kugane Castle? Yeah, don't pull those to the big robot right nearby. First of all, those 2 hit hard. Second of all, a ton more enemies spawn at that robot. Just...don't. I know the pack of 2 seems underwhelming, but it's much less underwhelming than dying because your healer can't keep up.
The 2nd to last and last pulls of Temple of the Fist. The ones with the coeurls. Don't pull those together. Please. I just had to do that one. I think it's probably possible if your healer never stops healing, but if they happen to mess up and get hit by one of the coeurl's AoE in that mess then you're all dead because they're paralyzed, need to Esuna themselves, and there isn't time for that. And that's assuming you have a White Mage. I'm pretty sure an AST / SCH would be out of MP very quickly there.
Seriously, I can count on one hand the amount of times a group has wiped because I couldn't keep up with the healing on trash pulls. And all of those times have been on those two pulls.
Other iffy pulls that are doable, but not pleasant -
- Pulling the bird enemies to the pack with the dancing bear in Temple of the Fist. That one is doable with some careful healing, but it's not fun.
- Pulling enemies to the pack with the big Skipper enemy before the second boss of Sirensong. Doable. Not fun.
- Pulling any other packs with the bird packs in Bardam's Mettle. Doable. Not fun.
- Pulling enemies to the first pack of robots in Doma Castle. Again, doable. Not fun.
- Pulling multiple packs in Castrum Abania is just a bad idea in general. Everything hits so hard in there. Doesn't help that it never shows up in roulettes, so no one's really familiar with it, I think.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Some things I've noticed while playing through Stormblood
First of all, I'm level 70 now! Yay me! Got all the MSQ complete too!
Anyway, I just wanted to share some things I've been thinking this whole time. I'm going to try to keep this spoiler free. For Stormblood. Not necessarily for ARR or Heavensward.
- White Mage plays really well. I never feel like I'm running out of MP unless there's been a lot of raising. The Lilies are rather mindless but useful to have because I know they are having an effect on Assize's CD. Divine Benison is rather useful for keeping people alive long enough to pop a Regen on them and heal them up. Thin Air is amazing both for MP management for big heals and also for Holy spam. But mostly for Holy spam.
- I still don't know what the point of Plenary Indulgence is. I mean, I'll hit the button if the tank has stacks and is taking damage, but I have yet to ever be in a situation where the AoE bit has come into play because, well, Medica doesn't give Confession stacks and if I'm AoE healing to the point where Plenary Indulgence's high heal is useful then I'm not exactly Cure spamming am I? Whenever it would be useful to have, the tank has no stacks. Whenever the tank is taking no damage, they've got 3 stacks. And it's not particularly useful on one target because it's less potency than a Cure II except less reliable (the tank almost never has 3 stacks). I guess it's free though, but that's about the only benefit. It just feels clumsy.
- Why do White Mages still have Cure III? When do I ever use Cure III? Never! And now that we don't have the Overcure trait anymore it's not like we can even get it for half MP...I've used it precisely once, and that was because I hit the button by accident.
- Shisui of Violet Tides is probably my favorite dungeon in the game. Too bad no one is running it because it's optional >_> I want my healer bathing suit.
- The dungeons feel easier than the HW ones did. I remember having a lot of trouble healing the HW dungeons. In fact, even going back now (because all I get in roulette is Sohm Al?) they're still more healing intensive than the new ones. The Vault stressed me out to the point where I stopped healing / playing for a while. There has been no equivalent this expansion (thank goodness) with the exception of.......
- The last trial in the MSQ. I'll talk about this vaguely, but OW. This fight WILL cause your group to wipe multiple times. It will kick your butt. No exaggeration, it's just really hard. Maybe it's better with a premade group that has good communication, but with a group of random people? Nope, not happening in one try. Not until we all overgear it anyway. I did it once for my own MSQ and it just popped up for my trial roulette. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
- Ok, honestly I've figured out most of the mechanics of it thus far. I get it. I even understand the one I keep dying to continuously. The boss throws out a long column AoE across the entire platform, with only two safe spots at the corners (and sometimes there's only one safe corner for reasons I will not disclose). Every. Single. Time. This happens after the first time, I die to it. On my screen it shows me being safely across and in the safe area but then boom, knocked off the platform. I seem to be the only person having this issue in my groups too.
- Swimming underwater is really cool. It's just...I don't see much of a point in going down there if you don't have quests down there? There's nothing to do, unless you're a Fisher or Miner...
- That said, I saw people shouting in chat that swimming while underwater is too slow. It's not. The issue is that you're swimming. Some mounts work underwater, and go much faster than just plain swimming. I've been using the promotional Cloud mount, but everyone has access to at least one that works under water: Midgardsormr.
- I counted 4 Hamilton references throughout the MSQ. 2 as quest names, and 2 in quest dialogue. One of them in one of the last cutscenes of the MSQ. All of which were perfectly fine in context, I might add. The last one might not have been a reference and might have been a coincidence, but given the precedence of the others (plus the one from the quest for Alexander Savage in HW) it wouldn't surprise me if it was.
- The level 68-69-ish healer gear makes you look like Ezio.
- Every time I've had a Samurai in my party they die to stupid things. I'm sorry. I know there's good samurais out there, I just haven't met one :(
- People should do the darn mechanics. I know this is new content and people don't know the fights yet, but most of the time the markers are the exact same as they've always been. I've had a group ignore a stack-up marker before. A stack-up marker should not be a surprise that you don't know how to counter? And standing in AoEs has always been bad.
- The dungeon in Azim Steppe is really cool. Trust me.
- The only class I've messed with besides WHM is Bard. It seemed fun but very hectic. More than it was. Even with my Bard which is level 58, I feel like I'm constantly mashing buttons. What with Army's Paeon boosting your attack speed and Mage's Ballad giving you near-constant Bloodletter procs. I'm not sure about the Wanderer's Minuet one because it doesn't seem like I'm always getting 3 stacks of Pitch Perfect so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? I'll probably level Bard up next.
- Red Mage is fun to mess with, but I don't think I'd actually want to play it. I like Black Mage more overall. And I did not like Samurai. Its combos seem clumsy and it feels like they have so many buttons compared to the other classes now. RDM too to some extent, but less clumsy feeling.
I'll write more as I think of anything.
Anyway, I just wanted to share some things I've been thinking this whole time. I'm going to try to keep this spoiler free. For Stormblood. Not necessarily for ARR or Heavensward.
- White Mage plays really well. I never feel like I'm running out of MP unless there's been a lot of raising. The Lilies are rather mindless but useful to have because I know they are having an effect on Assize's CD. Divine Benison is rather useful for keeping people alive long enough to pop a Regen on them and heal them up. Thin Air is amazing both for MP management for big heals and also for Holy spam. But mostly for Holy spam.
- I still don't know what the point of Plenary Indulgence is. I mean, I'll hit the button if the tank has stacks and is taking damage, but I have yet to ever be in a situation where the AoE bit has come into play because, well, Medica doesn't give Confession stacks and if I'm AoE healing to the point where Plenary Indulgence's high heal is useful then I'm not exactly Cure spamming am I? Whenever it would be useful to have, the tank has no stacks. Whenever the tank is taking no damage, they've got 3 stacks. And it's not particularly useful on one target because it's less potency than a Cure II except less reliable (the tank almost never has 3 stacks). I guess it's free though, but that's about the only benefit. It just feels clumsy.
- Why do White Mages still have Cure III? When do I ever use Cure III? Never! And now that we don't have the Overcure trait anymore it's not like we can even get it for half MP...I've used it precisely once, and that was because I hit the button by accident.
- Shisui of Violet Tides is probably my favorite dungeon in the game. Too bad no one is running it because it's optional >_> I want my healer bathing suit.
- The dungeons feel easier than the HW ones did. I remember having a lot of trouble healing the HW dungeons. In fact, even going back now (because all I get in roulette is Sohm Al?) they're still more healing intensive than the new ones. The Vault stressed me out to the point where I stopped healing / playing for a while. There has been no equivalent this expansion (thank goodness) with the exception of.......
- The last trial in the MSQ. I'll talk about this vaguely, but OW. This fight WILL cause your group to wipe multiple times. It will kick your butt. No exaggeration, it's just really hard. Maybe it's better with a premade group that has good communication, but with a group of random people? Nope, not happening in one try. Not until we all overgear it anyway. I did it once for my own MSQ and it just popped up for my trial roulette. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.
- Ok, honestly I've figured out most of the mechanics of it thus far. I get it. I even understand the one I keep dying to continuously. The boss throws out a long column AoE across the entire platform, with only two safe spots at the corners (and sometimes there's only one safe corner for reasons I will not disclose). Every. Single. Time. This happens after the first time, I die to it. On my screen it shows me being safely across and in the safe area but then boom, knocked off the platform. I seem to be the only person having this issue in my groups too.
- Swimming underwater is really cool. It's just...I don't see much of a point in going down there if you don't have quests down there? There's nothing to do, unless you're a Fisher or Miner...
- That said, I saw people shouting in chat that swimming while underwater is too slow. It's not. The issue is that you're swimming. Some mounts work underwater, and go much faster than just plain swimming. I've been using the promotional Cloud mount, but everyone has access to at least one that works under water: Midgardsormr.
- I counted 4 Hamilton references throughout the MSQ. 2 as quest names, and 2 in quest dialogue. One of them in one of the last cutscenes of the MSQ. All of which were perfectly fine in context, I might add. The last one might not have been a reference and might have been a coincidence, but given the precedence of the others (plus the one from the quest for Alexander Savage in HW) it wouldn't surprise me if it was.
- The level 68-69-ish healer gear makes you look like Ezio.
- Every time I've had a Samurai in my party they die to stupid things. I'm sorry. I know there's good samurais out there, I just haven't met one :(
- People should do the darn mechanics. I know this is new content and people don't know the fights yet, but most of the time the markers are the exact same as they've always been. I've had a group ignore a stack-up marker before. A stack-up marker should not be a surprise that you don't know how to counter? And standing in AoEs has always been bad.
- The dungeon in Azim Steppe is really cool. Trust me.
- The only class I've messed with besides WHM is Bard. It seemed fun but very hectic. More than it was. Even with my Bard which is level 58, I feel like I'm constantly mashing buttons. What with Army's Paeon boosting your attack speed and Mage's Ballad giving you near-constant Bloodletter procs. I'm not sure about the Wanderer's Minuet one because it doesn't seem like I'm always getting 3 stacks of Pitch Perfect so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? I'll probably level Bard up next.
- Red Mage is fun to mess with, but I don't think I'd actually want to play it. I like Black Mage more overall. And I did not like Samurai. Its combos seem clumsy and it feels like they have so many buttons compared to the other classes now. RDM too to some extent, but less clumsy feeling.
I'll write more as I think of anything.
Monday, June 19, 2017
FFXIV The Key to Victory
I just ran around for waaay too long trying to figure out where all the clues are in the Saltlery. I looked it up too and found nothing, so now that I've found them I thought I might write up where they are for future lost people.
So, again, this is where the clues are in the Saltlery during the level 69 Stormblood quest "The Key to Victory."
1) Straight ahead from where you enter, there's 2 pots. Both are clues.
2) Up the stairs near the pots is a pile of wood.
3) The crumbled building next to Lyse. If you go in there there's another clue.
4) Last clue is on the other side of the crumbled building. Easy to miss. This is the one I got stuck on. It's not in the building, but outside of it, on the other side.
After you get all those another clue appears about where the pots were.
That's it. No need to run around the entire map like I did!
So, again, this is where the clues are in the Saltlery during the level 69 Stormblood quest "The Key to Victory."
1) Straight ahead from where you enter, there's 2 pots. Both are clues.
2) Up the stairs near the pots is a pile of wood.
3) The crumbled building next to Lyse. If you go in there there's another clue.
4) Last clue is on the other side of the crumbled building. Easy to miss. This is the one I got stuck on. It's not in the building, but outside of it, on the other side.
After you get all those another clue appears about where the pots were.
That's it. No need to run around the entire map like I did!
Friday, June 16, 2017
FFXIV: Line Simulator
I've waited in this line for two hours, Raubahn.
EDIT: Just managed to get through! 9 HOURS
EDIT: Just managed to get through! 9 HOURS
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
I've been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf recently because I found all my DS games that have been missing for 2 years. Started a new town. So I was trying to look up a list of villagers just so I could look through and find some ones I would really like to try to get.
Um, google had an interesting suggestion for me...?
Everything's normal. Except for suggesting Canberra, which makes sense as there's a character with that name. But...Meat Chop? That doesn't really fit with everything else...
Um, google had an interesting suggestion for me...?
Everything's normal. Except for suggesting Canberra, which makes sense as there's a character with that name. But...Meat Chop? That doesn't really fit with everything else...
Thursday, June 1, 2017
FFXIV: My House!
I'm decently happy with my decorating (despite the very small budget because I have no gil after buying it), so I thought I finally feel comfortable to show off my little house!
I know I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it here too because it's relevant. It is on Adamantoise, Goblet, Ward 8, Plot 47.
There's still a LOT of empty space to fill with stuff when I get around to it. The pictures very strategically did not show the extremely sparse areas just outside the frame ;^^
And my yard is awful.
Oh, I almost forgot! My apartment in the Lavender Beds is cute, but I forgot to take screenshots of it, so I'll do that tomorrow if I remember and just add it here. Although it's even more sparse...
I know I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it here too because it's relevant. It is on Adamantoise, Goblet, Ward 8, Plot 47.
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Exterior! |
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My little training dummy area with random decorations that happened to be cheap on the MB... |
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Boring other yard thing with my poor neglected Retainer out front. |
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Bedroom on the first floor. I think it looks quite cozy. |
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Living room / study area. |
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Dining room |
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And that's it! |
There's still a LOT of empty space to fill with stuff when I get around to it. The pictures very strategically did not show the extremely sparse areas just outside the frame ;^^
And my yard is awful.
Oh, I almost forgot! My apartment in the Lavender Beds is cute, but I forgot to take screenshots of it, so I'll do that tomorrow if I remember and just add it here. Although it's even more sparse...
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Very confused
I was yelled at in Weeping City today :(
I've only done it twice. The first time went okay. I placed a meteor in the wrong spot, but it ended up being fine. And I died to haircut, and also the attack Ozma does where you have to not attack.
Second time went awful.
First, to start this all off, I walked off the edge in Ozma before the fight started. Everyone said it was fine and it happens to everyone, and so that was fine.
Then came meteors. First set of meteors I was targeted, and brought it to the right spot this time. Fight continued on as it should. Until the second set of meteors. I didn't see that I was targeted immediately, and so tried to move out of the way of the meteor, then I realized I was targeted and tried to move to a safe area, but all the ones around were taken. There were people from the other groups on the side areas, and the other meteor target from my group at the bottom. I had nowhere to go, and ended up blasting the entire group. A bunch died, I was scolded, and I felt really, really bad. I didn't know what to do in that situation! What was I supposed to do? I don't want to mess that up again.
And then, again, I died to Haircut.
So now I feel pretty awful and I'm scared to go back in again. I don't like to let my party down like that. I can do the first two bosses really well. I haven't died on Forgal or anything. And I can do all of Ozma fine except the meteors :(
Edit: Finally had success (for me) on the 5th run. By that, I mean I didn't die due to messing up mechanics. I did die twice, but that's because we actually wiped twice in Ozma, which made me giggle because of course we wipe the one time I actually do the mechanics right!
Anyway, yeah. First boss was as easy as it was the past times, and so was Forgal, although I did mess up and get zombified once at the start of the fight :(
Ozma went well for me. I did get meteors the first attempt and managed to place them correctly. The second two attempts I only got the first meteor and then didn't get the other sets, so that was pretty stress-free for me. First attempt we wiped after one of the other groups died, second time I don't even know why we wiped. It kind of happened too quick for me to really catch. Third time was fine.
And then a pretty perfect Calofisteri. I only got stuck in a trap once! And I didn't get hit by Haircut this time! And I think my group actually only had one death and that was Haircut-related and easy to fix.
And I'm now at i230 so I can stop worrying about running it over and over and go do Baelsar's Wall like I wanted to do. Yay, now I can do this with less stress! I still want to keep doing it for the gear, but that's less stressful than doing it to unlock something else.
I've only done it twice. The first time went okay. I placed a meteor in the wrong spot, but it ended up being fine. And I died to haircut, and also the attack Ozma does where you have to not attack.
Second time went awful.
First, to start this all off, I walked off the edge in Ozma before the fight started. Everyone said it was fine and it happens to everyone, and so that was fine.
Then came meteors. First set of meteors I was targeted, and brought it to the right spot this time. Fight continued on as it should. Until the second set of meteors. I didn't see that I was targeted immediately, and so tried to move out of the way of the meteor, then I realized I was targeted and tried to move to a safe area, but all the ones around were taken. There were people from the other groups on the side areas, and the other meteor target from my group at the bottom. I had nowhere to go, and ended up blasting the entire group. A bunch died, I was scolded, and I felt really, really bad. I didn't know what to do in that situation! What was I supposed to do? I don't want to mess that up again.
And then, again, I died to Haircut.
So now I feel pretty awful and I'm scared to go back in again. I don't like to let my party down like that. I can do the first two bosses really well. I haven't died on Forgal or anything. And I can do all of Ozma fine except the meteors :(
Edit: Finally had success (for me) on the 5th run. By that, I mean I didn't die due to messing up mechanics. I did die twice, but that's because we actually wiped twice in Ozma, which made me giggle because of course we wipe the one time I actually do the mechanics right!
Anyway, yeah. First boss was as easy as it was the past times, and so was Forgal, although I did mess up and get zombified once at the start of the fight :(
Ozma went well for me. I did get meteors the first attempt and managed to place them correctly. The second two attempts I only got the first meteor and then didn't get the other sets, so that was pretty stress-free for me. First attempt we wiped after one of the other groups died, second time I don't even know why we wiped. It kind of happened too quick for me to really catch. Third time was fine.
And then a pretty perfect Calofisteri. I only got stuck in a trap once! And I didn't get hit by Haircut this time! And I think my group actually only had one death and that was Haircut-related and easy to fix.
And I'm now at i230 so I can stop worrying about running it over and over and go do Baelsar's Wall like I wanted to do. Yay, now I can do this with less stress! I still want to keep doing it for the gear, but that's less stressful than doing it to unlock something else.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Why is it, that when I'm playing Summoner in PoTD people for some reason expect me to heal them?
HOW WOULD I DO THAT? My heals do nothing. I mean, I can try to heal you, but if I just helped kill the monster it would probably die faster than I can heal you, so...?
I can revive as many people as needed, but I can't fill the healer roll as a Summoner, I'm sorry.
Edit: I have more.
Why would you wait at the Cairn of Passage when it's not activated yet? Whyyyy? It's a whole lot more helpful if you actually help activate it!
Also, that server move is currently messing me up. I keep hitting buttons and they don't activate in time and I keep being hit by mechanics I've never been hit by before. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but it does stink. I just hope I'm able to play Stormblood because my computer could barely handle the game before :|
HOW WOULD I DO THAT? My heals do nothing. I mean, I can try to heal you, but if I just helped kill the monster it would probably die faster than I can heal you, so...?
I can revive as many people as needed, but I can't fill the healer roll as a Summoner, I'm sorry.
Edit: I have more.
Why would you wait at the Cairn of Passage when it's not activated yet? Whyyyy? It's a whole lot more helpful if you actually help activate it!
Also, that server move is currently messing me up. I keep hitting buttons and they don't activate in time and I keep being hit by mechanics I've never been hit by before. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but it does stink. I just hope I'm able to play Stormblood because my computer could barely handle the game before :|
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
An Argument for Always Picking Up Chests in PoTD
Ok, this has really been bugging me. I run Palace of the Dead a LOT because I've been feeling stressed out and it doesn't trigger my anxiety at all (even when aggravated), and it's also great for leveling up my classes and making money off of materia (which is great because I now have no gil after buying my house). And a looot of times that I run it, everyone ignores all the gold and bronze chests. And I don't mean that they don't enter a room just for a non-silver chest, I mean they run straight past the things when it would take no time at all to just click them and be done with it. And of course, the complaining at people who do pick them up because "mah speed run."
Please note that I am not arguing clearing out a whole room just for a gold or copper chest. I am just arguing for picking them up when you happen to already be next to one. Because, honestly, why not?
Also, I'm really only talking about floors 51-60 here. 1-50 are a different beast, and I've never bothered with 60+ so I don't know what things are like there.
1. Lust and Rage pomanders are great time-savers. If you really want to speed-run, you should pick up chests, because Rage pomanders help you clear floors waaay faster. And Lusts help speed up the boss fight if someone remembers to pop it and get the vulnerability debuff up.
2. Sight and Safety pomanders also save time. Sight poms make it so you can easily skip rooms that aren't worthwhile (which could mean a room with only gold/copper chests; again, I'm not talking about making runs slower here, just picking up ones you come across). Safety pomanders make it so the entire party doesn't stall because they all got hit by the silence trap or something. Or all explode and die like the last group I was in did.
3. Flight pomanders are woefully underused in 51-60. What's better than less enemies on the floor to deal with?
4. Witching pomanders can save your butt in dire situations. And again, are woefully underused.
5. Purity pomanders. How many groups have I been in where no one's picking up chests, and the one time someone does it's a mimic. And then everyone proceeds to not pick up chests, meaning they're stuck with the long pox debuff (which can be deadly in groups with only DPS). Hey, if everyone was picking up chests, maybe you'd have a Purity for the pox?
6. Serenity pomanders can save you. Seriously. Gloom + no actions is awful. It's even worse when your healer forgets to turn off Cleric's Stance before going to the next floor, and is thus stuck in Cleric's Stance with Gloom and no way to heal effectively because Cleric's Stance is an action...
7. INTUITION POMANDERS. WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT THESE? Sure, sometimes you get useless stuff out of the bags, but if you get materia you can sell it and make decent money. I should know. I just got my house preeeetty purely from PoTD materia money.
As for copper chests, two words: Gelmorran Potsherds. Yum. These things can get you so much money because you can check the prices and demand for the materia and pick the one that will give you the highest profit. Or, you know, you can keep your good materia for yourself if you're trying to gear too. I know they're rare, but a small chance is better than no chance at all.
Also, how am I supposed to revive people with Phoenix Down in all-DPS parties when no one picks up the copper chests so I never get another Phoenix Down? Especially since a lot of groups I've been in apparently don't know how the raising tower thing works, because I tend to have to run over there by myself to get someone up because no one has a raise or phoenix down, and people seem to forget it exists.
Seriously folks, just pick up the chests when you come across them. Please. Not picking them up can work out with a decent group, but picking them up just makes it safer, easier, and quicker. People don't play perfectly all the time, and having pomanders can really save a group or at least speed up a slow run.
And again, I'm not at all advocating taking the time to clear out rooms just for chests. I get it, floor 51-60 are the speedrun, leveling floors. Trust me, I know. I'm just here for the fast leveling too.
Sorry, needed to just rant about that for a minute. Ugh!
Please note that I am not arguing clearing out a whole room just for a gold or copper chest. I am just arguing for picking them up when you happen to already be next to one. Because, honestly, why not?
Also, I'm really only talking about floors 51-60 here. 1-50 are a different beast, and I've never bothered with 60+ so I don't know what things are like there.
1. Lust and Rage pomanders are great time-savers. If you really want to speed-run, you should pick up chests, because Rage pomanders help you clear floors waaay faster. And Lusts help speed up the boss fight if someone remembers to pop it and get the vulnerability debuff up.
2. Sight and Safety pomanders also save time. Sight poms make it so you can easily skip rooms that aren't worthwhile (which could mean a room with only gold/copper chests; again, I'm not talking about making runs slower here, just picking up ones you come across). Safety pomanders make it so the entire party doesn't stall because they all got hit by the silence trap or something. Or all explode and die like the last group I was in did.
3. Flight pomanders are woefully underused in 51-60. What's better than less enemies on the floor to deal with?
4. Witching pomanders can save your butt in dire situations. And again, are woefully underused.
5. Purity pomanders. How many groups have I been in where no one's picking up chests, and the one time someone does it's a mimic. And then everyone proceeds to not pick up chests, meaning they're stuck with the long pox debuff (which can be deadly in groups with only DPS). Hey, if everyone was picking up chests, maybe you'd have a Purity for the pox?
6. Serenity pomanders can save you. Seriously. Gloom + no actions is awful. It's even worse when your healer forgets to turn off Cleric's Stance before going to the next floor, and is thus stuck in Cleric's Stance with Gloom and no way to heal effectively because Cleric's Stance is an action...
7. INTUITION POMANDERS. WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT THESE? Sure, sometimes you get useless stuff out of the bags, but if you get materia you can sell it and make decent money. I should know. I just got my house preeeetty purely from PoTD materia money.
As for copper chests, two words: Gelmorran Potsherds. Yum. These things can get you so much money because you can check the prices and demand for the materia and pick the one that will give you the highest profit. Or, you know, you can keep your good materia for yourself if you're trying to gear too. I know they're rare, but a small chance is better than no chance at all.
Also, how am I supposed to revive people with Phoenix Down in all-DPS parties when no one picks up the copper chests so I never get another Phoenix Down? Especially since a lot of groups I've been in apparently don't know how the raising tower thing works, because I tend to have to run over there by myself to get someone up because no one has a raise or phoenix down, and people seem to forget it exists.
Seriously folks, just pick up the chests when you come across them. Please. Not picking them up can work out with a decent group, but picking them up just makes it safer, easier, and quicker. People don't play perfectly all the time, and having pomanders can really save a group or at least speed up a slow run.
And again, I'm not at all advocating taking the time to clear out rooms just for chests. I get it, floor 51-60 are the speedrun, leveling floors. Trust me, I know. I'm just here for the fast leveling too.
Sorry, needed to just rant about that for a minute. Ugh!
Saturday, April 15, 2017
FFXIV House Pictures (Picture Heavy)
Saved up enough to actually build the house now, which means I have pictures! Took all the furniture out of the apartment; I'll repurpose that later. Or maybe later I'll redecorate that as kind of my personal quarters and make my house something special or something. I don't know, regardless, I have some furniture for the house now.
Anyway, pictures! I took so many because I was so happy. I didn't think I would ever get a house of Adamantoise. I had resigned myself to rerolling on Mateus to get one, but I thought I would just check and see how feasible it would be on Adamantoise, and there was a few open plots in the Goblet, one of them happening to be the plot I'd always had my eye on! Lucky me!
Obviously not completely happy with the decorations because...well, I don't really have any! Just some basic stuff I got for the apartment before from vendors. Need to craft or something. I have the coffin lid drop from Void Ark, so I guess I'll make the coffin a priority in particular? That and just...nicer furniture in general.
It's on Adamantoise, The Goblet, Ward 8 Subdivision - Plot 47.
Anyway, pictures! I took so many because I was so happy. I didn't think I would ever get a house of Adamantoise. I had resigned myself to rerolling on Mateus to get one, but I thought I would just check and see how feasible it would be on Adamantoise, and there was a few open plots in the Goblet, one of them happening to be the plot I'd always had my eye on! Lucky me!
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Right after I bought it. Was so excited! |
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Look at how gorgeous the location is! I wanted one right in the oasis and I got it! |
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Here's the outside after it was built (featuring last year's Hatching-tide decoration, which was the only outdoor decoration I own). |
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Here's upstairs. |
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Downstairs office-ey area. |
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Downstairs bedroom. |
Obviously not completely happy with the decorations because...well, I don't really have any! Just some basic stuff I got for the apartment before from vendors. Need to craft or something. I have the coffin lid drop from Void Ark, so I guess I'll make the coffin a priority in particular? That and just...nicer furniture in general.
It's on Adamantoise, The Goblet, Ward 8 Subdivision - Plot 47.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
FFXIV: Aaaaa so excited!
After much effort and lots of scrimping in FFXIV, I finally had enough gil this morning to purchase land in The Goblet! Finally!
My plot is located at Ward 8 Subdivision, plot 47, on Adamantoise!
There's not a house on it yet because I need about 200,000 more gil before I can build it (I have 45 days or something like that, right?). I was able to save up 2 million in a few days, so 200,000 should be rather easy. Back to running PoTD over and over and over and over. And hopefully I'll have better luck than yesterday. Yesterday I ran PoTD a bunch and not one bag gave me materia to sell...all I got was the stupid confetti things and some replica allagan gear, which doesn't sell quickly or well. And it's not like I'm even getting allagan gear that I'd like to keep and use for glamour some day. No, all I got yesterday was the healer gloves...which I already had three of...
My plot is located at Ward 8 Subdivision, plot 47, on Adamantoise!
There's not a house on it yet because I need about 200,000 more gil before I can build it (I have 45 days or something like that, right?). I was able to save up 2 million in a few days, so 200,000 should be rather easy. Back to running PoTD over and over and over and over. And hopefully I'll have better luck than yesterday. Yesterday I ran PoTD a bunch and not one bag gave me materia to sell...all I got was the stupid confetti things and some replica allagan gear, which doesn't sell quickly or well. And it's not like I'm even getting allagan gear that I'd like to keep and use for glamour some day. No, all I got yesterday was the healer gloves...which I already had three of...
Monday, March 20, 2017
I am so excited that I am driving myself crazy
I would like it to be Tuesday RIGHT NOW. Agh, I want to play Mass Effect: Andromeda so baaaaad!
Yes, I've seen all the bad reviews? Do I care? No. Mass Effect is my favorite game series I have ever played. Wonky animations are not going to stop me from enjoying it! Something would have to be horribly, horribly wrong for it not to make me happy, and from what I've heard, there isn't anything that would fit my criteria of "horribly wrong."
Agh, I just wish I could play it now though! I couldn't do the trial because PS4 didn't do one and I doubt my PC can handle it. And I preordered digitally, so no lucky "hey, your local store is releasing early!" surprises for me! I watched the trial though, and really could not be happier (okay, that's a lie; I would be happier if there was another male Turian romance or a Salarian romance, but I'll settle for Vetra or Jaal, or even Liam, I liked him in the trial).
Well, in the meantime I'll be happily wearing my N7 cardigan and socks, trying to not cave and watch streams of the game, and trying to distract myself by playing other games. Going to try to go to sleep early tonight because if I'm up at midnight there is no way I'll have the willpower to avoid playing. And that would be bad for anyone I interact with tomorrow because I'm a monster on low sleep!
Yes, I've seen all the bad reviews? Do I care? No. Mass Effect is my favorite game series I have ever played. Wonky animations are not going to stop me from enjoying it! Something would have to be horribly, horribly wrong for it not to make me happy, and from what I've heard, there isn't anything that would fit my criteria of "horribly wrong."
Agh, I just wish I could play it now though! I couldn't do the trial because PS4 didn't do one and I doubt my PC can handle it. And I preordered digitally, so no lucky "hey, your local store is releasing early!" surprises for me! I watched the trial though, and really could not be happier (okay, that's a lie; I would be happier if there was another male Turian romance or a Salarian romance, but I'll settle for Vetra or Jaal, or even Liam, I liked him in the trial).
Well, in the meantime I'll be happily wearing my N7 cardigan and socks, trying to not cave and watch streams of the game, and trying to distract myself by playing other games. Going to try to go to sleep early tonight because if I'm up at midnight there is no way I'll have the willpower to avoid playing. And that would be bad for anyone I interact with tomorrow because I'm a monster on low sleep!
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
I can't wait for Mass Effect: Andromeda!
It's so close, and yet still so far away!
I don't want to renew my FFXIV subscription when I won't be playing for the full month (although it is so extraordinarily tempting because I really like the new outfit for Little Ladies' Day), so I've been playing WoW again. I leveled up my Hunter to 110 and have been really enjoying Survival.
Other than that, I've been pretty swamped with homework recently. I had the flu a couple weeks ago too, and then vacation last week, which was nice, although I was busy. Visited Concord, Massachusetts to visit the site of the first shots of the Revolution, which was incredibly exciting for me! The park was really pretty as well.
It's so close, and yet still so far away!
I don't want to renew my FFXIV subscription when I won't be playing for the full month (although it is so extraordinarily tempting because I really like the new outfit for Little Ladies' Day), so I've been playing WoW again. I leveled up my Hunter to 110 and have been really enjoying Survival.
Other than that, I've been pretty swamped with homework recently. I had the flu a couple weeks ago too, and then vacation last week, which was nice, although I was busy. Visited Concord, Massachusetts to visit the site of the first shots of the Revolution, which was incredibly exciting for me! The park was really pretty as well.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Why do we have to skip the Accursed Hoard stuff on floors 51-60 of PoTD all the time? WHY?
I use the Intuition poms whenever we get one (and there's not already one up), but half the time my group outright ignores them. Like, it says there's one on the floor and we do not go looking for it. Why?
I get we're all here for grinding and getting it done as fast as possible, but taking a couple minutes out of your time for the Accursed Hoard is really a good trade off. They're the sole source of joy from so much mindless grinding! And you get nice things! I want replica Allagan sets! And the rest of the time you really just get Materia, which you can sell on the MB and make a ton of money (I made 1 mil this week just off Materia I got in bags, so...).
It hurts my heart every time I've been outvoted and we all leave the floor while there's an Accursed Hoard up...
I use the Intuition poms whenever we get one (and there's not already one up), but half the time my group outright ignores them. Like, it says there's one on the floor and we do not go looking for it. Why?
I get we're all here for grinding and getting it done as fast as possible, but taking a couple minutes out of your time for the Accursed Hoard is really a good trade off. They're the sole source of joy from so much mindless grinding! And you get nice things! I want replica Allagan sets! And the rest of the time you really just get Materia, which you can sell on the MB and make a ton of money (I made 1 mil this week just off Materia I got in bags, so...).
It hurts my heart every time I've been outvoted and we all leave the floor while there's an Accursed Hoard up...
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
I've been playing FFXIV! *Screenshot heavy*
I've been playing FFXIV again! Whoohooooooooo
I thought I'd share some screenshots of things I've accomplished thus far (in the game)!
I don't have a screenshot for it, but I did finally get in a guild and they're so nice!
I thought I'd share some screenshots of things I've accomplished thus far (in the game)!
I don't have a screenshot for it, but I did finally get in a guild and they're so nice!
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This is a new Miqo'te alt I made in honor of my beloved cat, who sadly passed away right before New Years. |
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I've spent waaaay too much time in Palace of the Dead! |
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I got Bard to level 50! |
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I'm learning to tank! |
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I'm learning PvP (need that Garo healing set...)! |
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I got that pretty PvP dress! Oh, and Yomi got a new hairstyle too! |
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I splurged on some glamour! |
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