Monday, June 22, 2015


For goodness' sake, if you see a healer with a sprout icon next to their name don't do a speed-run!

That was only the second dungeon I've ever healed and that was not a fun introduction!

People were running off before the dungeon had fully loaded for me / I was able to cancel out of the cutscene, so I had to use Protect while combat had already started, and I didn't have time to notice that Cleric Stance was on for half the dungeon because it was all going too fast!

But yeah, please don't speed-run if you see a newbie. It is very overwhelming! I thought for sure that we were going to wipe at least twice because I couldn't heal the tank fast enough for the damage he was taking and he lost aggro a couple times to the DPS who then proceeded to take a ton of damage too, and it was just very overwhelming to heal because I only have two healing spells and it's only my second dungeon.

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