Wednesday, June 25, 2014 WoW characters

Basically just reset my Tanaris characters. I want to start from scratch because I lot of things happened that contributed to me not playing for a while, so starting over seems like a good plan.
The only "original" character I have now is Theeriyi, my level 90 Windwalker Monk. On Tanaris at least. I still have, like, Quintella and my Horde characters on Earthen Ring, and all my actual original characters on Nazgrel.

So now I've got (all at level 1):

Ariadust - Draenei Priest
Octofish - Dwarf Warrior
Decorum - Night Elf Mage
Archanique - Human Warlock
Glamaraa - Draenei Shaman
Pannya - Worgen Druid
Tsumini - Gnome Rogue
Izaria - Draenei Paladin
Shoutiger - Human Hunter
Novelii - Draenei Monk

Didn't want a Death Knight.

My plans are:
Ariadust - Disc/Shadow
Octofish - Arms/Prot?
Decorum - Fire/Arcane
Archanique - Affliction/Destruction? Maybe the other way around?
Glamaraa - Resto/Ele
Pannya - Balance/Resto
Tsumini - Sub/don't know yet
Izaria - Holy/don't know yet
Shoutiger - Marksman/don't know yet
Novelii - Mistweaver/Windwalker

5-Level-Project is going to come back properly. I'll actually document it this time! I know I was getting lazy last time I played.

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