Saturday, July 23, 2016

I really like this

I've been messing with WoW the past couple of days since the pre-patch is out and all, and just messing with my characters to see which ones I like now and which ones I don't.

I think it's time to retire my Shadow Priest. The playstyle is interesting, but realistically, the whole keeping up Voidform thing seems just a tiny bit too stressful for me. Also, honestly, I don't like the new Shadowform's look either. It's too light :|
I'll probably still mess with her occasionally. I'm not mad about the changes or anything. I get it. I get why people like it. I really, really do. I personally just do not like it. I do not want it to be changed back, because that isn't fair to the people who love the new playstyle. I'm just not going to play it.

I also do not understand my Balance Druid anymore. I don't know. I feel like I'm following the Icy Veins rotation guide and I still feel like I'm doing something wrong. Might just be an adjustment period thing.

Now, what I really like is my Marksmanship Hunter. I had boosted a Hunter to 90 with the free boost from WoD a while back, but never bothered to level her, so she is level 92 right now, and I'm leveling. I love her new playstyle. I never leveled her before because I felt like the playstyle was a bit too clunky, and I can never really get into pet classes (besides Scholar in FFXIV!).

I feel like I'm in the minority here, but I LOVE my MM Hunter now. The rotation is calming and repetitive, but not really in a boring way. Procs are exciting! There is nothing super stressful like Shadow Priest's Void Form. I don't have to have a pet because Lone Wolf is a level 15 talent now. AND, I messed with MogIt to find a good transmog idea, and my character is going to look amazing. I already have 2 pieces I needed (had someone make the pants and belt I needed with leatherworking). The rest of the pieces I'll collect once I hit level 100, since they're all from old content, minus the helm, which is in Tanaan Jungle / a drop, according to MogIt.


  1. WoW is tempting to start up again, but it feels like it will end up being the same when Legion comes out and you reach endgame stuff.

    I remember that WoD hype that quickly died out when I reached endgame because of all the guilds wanting specific times to raid which was completely trash because timezones is truly lots of love. So basically there was bgs and management of your "team" in your garrison which was the only thing to actually do which I also found ridiculously boring. So most of the time before I quit I ran around looking for transmogs from old dungeons/raids...

    Let's hope you'll find it more interesting and maybe raid times fits you better c:

    1. I never got into raiding for that exact reason! I just mess around and see what I can accomplish solo :P
      I also do level 70 exp-capped raids with my (wonderfully laid-back) guild on Saturday afternoons for about 2 hours, but that's as much as I'll do, and it wears me out mentally just to do that. Their "real" raid times are right smack in the middle of my dinner time because of time zone differences!

      Have you tried FFXIV? Their Looking for Group system is rather robust and it feels like there's a bigger variety of content for different difficulty levels. There's your normal dungeons/trials (which for me are just right challenge and socialization-wise), Extreme Primals (significantly harder), and raids (split up into Normal and Savage modes). Most content also has timers so encounters can't stretch on too long. It is a bit of a pain to get to the end-game point though because there's a LOT of required quests. The combat can also feel *really* slow at first, but it speeds up.
