Thursday, June 9, 2016

I am extremely proud of myself right now

Last time I played FFXIV, I got nervous about fighting Ravana and quit playing for a month or two.

I came back yesterday and brushed up on my healing a bit, and today I just beat Ravana!

The fight went decently, I think. We wiped once. I think that one was partly my fault. I didn't realize I was the one with the purple circle around me so I was trying to run away from it, and...well, I was the one with the circle and it got me and someone else killed! So, that was one healer down, and then the tank fell off the cliff, and, yeah.

Second time around went fine. We had a couple deaths, but nothing that couldn't be revived, except for two people, who fell off the cliff early on.

Not only did I beat Ravana, but I also just did Sohm Al as well! Got to say, I really, really liked Sohm Al. It wasn't too healing intensive, which was rather nice. The last fight was fun running around. The second fight got a little rough at one point because I was targeted with every single one of the attacks where he slows the slimes, but I managed to heal myself up between each one, so it was okay. The first fight was absolutely trivial. The trash before it was harder. Fun fights.

I'm feeling really good right now, since I have never done real content while it's still rather current before. I mean, in WoW I'm level 100 but I've never done any dungeons or anything. It's nice to be doing dungeons in a game I'm comfortable with (as in, FFXIV). I can't see myself getting a static and doing Alexander or anything just yet, but dungeons are nice.

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