Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Skill Card List is complete!

All 120 Skill Cards are now correctly listed! Albeit, rather messily, but hey, that can be fixed with time.

If you think any of them need better location descriptions just let me know so I can write those up when I do my next playthrough (which starts tomorrow).

Actually, if you think any part needs some work, just let me know so I can pay special attention to it.

I am already aware that the Forgotten Hell guide needs work, because I get lost following my own guide with that one. That one will require a huge rework and probably a lot of tears on my part.

Are there are any other big parts like that that absolutely, for sure, need a full rework that anyone can think of off the tops of their heads?

I'm going to be playing through using my own guide, so obviously if I get confused, I'll alter the guide to be more understandable because if I'm confused with my own instructions then we're all in trouble.

Ah, and forgot to mention that this is Shard of Dreams only for reasons.

Edit: Hemo sneakily added in 5 more Skill Cards (thank you Truepower for noticing this!), but they have now been located and the Skill Card List has been subsequently updated!


  1. Thanks for the effort, the list helped me greatly in finding that elusive skill card 81 ^^. On a sidenote, I've just patched to v1.101 version of Shard of Dreams and there seems to be 120 skillcards overall, which is 5 more than what the list mentions. The Sign(Fire) skillcard has got a new number of 106, so it appears there is a gap of 5 new skill cards between 100 and 106 which are yet unaccounted for.

    1. Hmmm...I'll have to do some investigating! Thank you for noticing this!

    2. Located thanks to the Japanese wiki!
      Skill Cards 101 through 105 can be bought in Tengu Village!

    3. I see two Focus moves, two spread moves, and one effect move. They look to be entirely new moves (or at least not listed on the English wiki).
      Using Google Translate quite a bit I get the following:

      101 - 天空の威光 (Heavenly Majesty) - Void type, Focus
      102 - 地穣の威光 (Majesty of ChiMinoru) - Void type, focus
      103 - 終焉の静風 (Demise of the Static Wind) - Wind type, spread
      104 - 破壊の亀裂 (Crack of Destruction) - Earth type, spread
      105 - 天地無極 (Heaven and Earth Non-Polar) - Warped type, effect

      These may be on the English wiki and I could have missed them, but I don't think they are. Sorry about the Google translate translations; I don't know Japanese, but I provided the Japanese for it as well in case anyone who does comes by.

      Thank you for catching this!

    4. Ah, and upon further tests they are post-game only.
