When you're ready to begin, use your Gap Map. Go to the page with the four gap points and gap to the one on the top right (the one with the white background).
This brings you to a weird bridge in a sea of clouds. Continue up and enter the giant door.
Going up, you'll see a Ghost who won't fight you so, so continue up the stairs. You'll see Marisa, who will fight you with a level 63 PatchouliP, level 63 AliceD, level 63 Mima EX, level 63 NitoriS, and a level 65 MarisaS (I believe holding a Black Ring; so it can't be one-shot).
At this point, I gapped out to heal because she KO'd my Miko ;_;
But, if you're feeling okay, then continue forward!
At the top of the stairs, you'll run into Youmu. She will fight you with a level 65 UdongeP, level 65 SakuyaS, and a level 66 YoumuS. Continue past her and through a little gate and then through another one. Then enter the building.
There's lots of rooms in here!
Begin by going to the left and then up the hallway (ignore the first door in the little alcove to the left because there's nothing there besides Marisa walking around). At the end of that first hallway is a door. Enter it, and then the next door to pick up a Yin Yang Orb containing an item that I can't find the name for. Leave the rooms after.
Ignore the hallway going up, and instead take the downward hall to the right. Go right when you can and enter another room. There's a Yin Yang Orb on a desk here containing a Rice Dumpling. Exit the room and go left, and then down a hall. Go right when you can. There's a room here with two Yin Yang Orbs, both containing Rice Dumplings. Exit the room and go back up. Keep going up another hallway, and then the next one (slightly to the left). This brings you to an area with stone and what looks like little steps leading down into it. Walk into that. This brings out behind the house and Yuyuko will appear behind you.
Yuyuko will fight you with a level 68 YoumuP, level 70 Yukari EX, and a level 72 YuyukoP. Upon defeating her, I believe she heals your Puppets. Re-enter the building below and keep going down until you get to the entrance again. Go through the little gate below, and then go right.
Continue up along the path and keep going up until you have to turn left. Go through another little gate. Go up and through a larger gate this time. Here's you'll reach the area with the Saigyouji Ayakashi and a whole bunch of little Lily Whites running around, but they won't talk to you. Head straight up and cross the tiny bridge.
Talk to the Lily White that is directly in front of the Saigyouji Ayakashi. This one (I think it's the real one?) will fight you with a LEVEL 99 LILY WHITE NORMAL. Personally, I was able to one-shot it with a fire move, and she probably shouldn't be too troublesome. It is not considered a wild Puppet and so cannot be captured, so do not attempt. After defeating her, the Lily Whites will disappear, leaving something directly in front of your character where the one you fought was just standing. Interact with it to obtain a Book for Kosuzu!
That's all there is to do here, so Gap out and deliver that book, and we're getting closer to completing the Postgame!
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