Tuesday, January 5, 2016

PDP Shard of Dreams Guide Part 8: Bamboo Forest of the Lost

Part 7 can be found here.

Welcome to Part 8! We'll be going through the Bamboo Forest of the Lost!

First thing's first, upon heading in, you'll meet a bunny. She'll then run off.

Now, this part is rather confusing, so bear with me. In each room, there will be a bunny that you can fight if you talk to her. The grass here contains Udonge, Tewi, Kagerou, and Mokou (rare). I recommend you get all your catching done in this first room so you can easily leave without getting lost.

Follow my directions precisely (although this is significantly easier than the original game).

In the first room, the bunny will fight you with two level 19 Tewis.
Go Right.
In this room, the bunny will use a level 19 Seiran and a level 18 Ringo.
Go Down.
Here, the bunny will use a level 21 Udonge.
Go Up.
The bunny uses a level 21 Tewi.
Go Left.
The bunny uses two level 19 Gyokutos (calling it Gyokuto for ease of understanding even though I'm pretty sure that the wiki says Rei'sen).
Go Left again.
The bunny uses a level 21 Udonge.
Now go Up.

Welcome to Eientei!

Upon entering, you'll see Reisen and Tewi. Tewi will fight you with two level 20 Tewis and a level 20 Reisen.

Now you can pass her and enter Eientei proper. There is grass out here, but ignore it for now.
Inside Eientei, head to the left down a short hallway. Head into the door on the far left. In here, Reisen will fight you with a level 20 Seiran, level 20 Ringo, and a level 24 Udonge. After that, she will heal you if you whenever you talk to her. There is also an Akyuu Box here.

Now is a great chance to head back outside and run around in the grass, where you can find Tewi, Udonge, Kaguya (uncommon), and Eirin ( rare).
Also, your starter should be at least level 35+ by now, if not level 40, and all your other Puppets should really be level 30 at least. This is a great place to grind if you don't meet those criteria. The exception to the "all Puppets 30+" right now is of course any Puppets you catch here. They can have some leeway.

When you're ready, head back in and heal with Reisen, and then prepare for Part 9!

Part 9 can be found here.


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  3. I think Eirin not very rare. It's just rare or below.
    I found her 3/12 times (or i just lucky?)

    1. I don't know, I could have been really unlucky but I stuck around there for a while and only ever found one Eirin. I'll put her down to normal Rare.

  4. why we need to train level of started puppet to lv 35+ and other puppet to lv 30+ when mokou's puppet is just 26 and 28?

    1. its spent alot of time to train
