I would like it to be Tuesday RIGHT NOW. Agh, I want to play Mass Effect: Andromeda so baaaaad!
Yes, I've seen all the bad reviews? Do I care? No. Mass Effect is my favorite game series I have ever played. Wonky animations are not going to stop me from enjoying it! Something would have to be horribly, horribly wrong for it not to make me happy, and from what I've heard, there isn't anything that would fit my criteria of "horribly wrong."
Agh, I just wish I could play it now though! I couldn't do the trial because PS4 didn't do one and I doubt my PC can handle it. And I preordered digitally, so no lucky "hey, your local store is releasing early!" surprises for me! I watched the trial though, and really could not be happier (okay, that's a lie; I would be happier if there was another male Turian romance or a Salarian romance, but I'll settle for Vetra or Jaal, or even Liam, I liked him in the trial).
Well, in the meantime I'll be happily wearing my N7 cardigan and socks, trying to not cave and watch streams of the game, and trying to distract myself by playing other games. Going to try to go to sleep early tonight because if I'm up at midnight there is no way I'll have the willpower to avoid playing. And that would be bad for anyone I interact with tomorrow because I'm a monster on low sleep!
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