So, let's try and do that guide again, shall we?
Let's begin with the Grand Piazza Vista.
So, here we are, looking at the Vista. The closest Waypoint is probably the Gate Hub Plaza waypoint. Or Trader's Forum waypoint. They look about the same distance, honestly.
Now this one is actually kind of misleading because it looks like you can totally just jump up that stack of boxes to get up to it. Well, you can't, because that last box that it's sitting on is too high up to jump up to. So you have to find an alternate route.
That alternate route can be found on that rather large boulder to the left of it, behind that lamp thing.
And then jump from the top of the lamp onto the box.
This might take a couple tries if you misjudge the distance.
Then just jump up onto the barrel that the vista is sitting on, and you have it.
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