Why do people in WoW find it fun to go to low-level zones and kill the questgivers on PvE realms?
I'm talking really low levels here. Like, the Pre-10 zones.
Because I have yet to hear a good argument for it. "PvP happened on a PvP realm," doesn't work because this is not a PvP realm. If the answer is "it's fun," then why in the world is that fun? There isn't any glory in killing low levels that have no way of protecting themselves, nor is it honorable to ruin someone else's fun by killing the questgivers.
And if you are killing low level NPCs, don't be surprised when one of them logs off and comes back with a max level. Sorry for ruining your fun, but you were ruining everyone else's fun, so it is quite utilitarian to then ruin your fun in exchange for everyone else's.
And I'm not going to guard your corpse or anything; I won't even attack you if you run off to do something else. But I am going to guard the area that was attacked for a while. You're free to get up and leave to do something else that isn't harming the fun of others.
Really though, I want to know the perspective of someone who enjoys this, because I certainly don't understand at all. Is there some angle to this that I'm just not getting?
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