Oh, and these are in no particular order.
- New Human Female models. I know people don't like the new faces, but I love them. The faces have so much more emotion! The high-eyebrows don't bother me too much, and the old faces just never had any personality to me. I mean, a couple of them did, but things get old when you use the same face for every character, which was what I was doing. These ones are all slightly different. They have different expressions, and I love them. I feel like I can actually make the characters I want with them!
- New Night Elf Female models. I love them. I never used to like playing Night Elves because I didn't like them. Now I do. Face 1 is wonderful.
- New Troll Female models. If I play ever play Horde again, I'm making all my characters Trolls. They're gorgeous.
- Ability pruning. I log onto the beta and rearranging my buttons is still a core, just, perhaps, less of one. I honestly don't see the big deal, but I main a Shadow Priest, and we didn't get hit bad, so there's that. I've been messing with the classes I've never maxed before (so, everything but Priest and Monk), and I can pick it up just fine. Then again, I don't know what I'm missing, right?
- Claws of Shiravva level 100 talent for Feral Druids. Looks pretty cool. It would be nice if they implement a glyph that lets us keep the perk of the new form (any non-combat spells are usable while transformed) but still keep the appearance of Cat form. Not because I don't like the new form, because I do, but I'm guessing that some people really won't like it replacing Cat.
- Lone Wolf level 100 talent for Hunters. This is what I've always wanted. Hunter without the pet. I love archer classes, I really do; I hate pet classes. This will let me still be viable without having a pet. I desperately need a level 90 Hunter now. If only you could get the talent at an earlier level than max.
- Tanaan Jungle opening questline is fantastic.
- I kind of love Yrel.
- Automatically learning some essential Glyphs while leveling sounds like a great addition.
- Demonic Servitude level 100 talent for Warlocks sounds useful. Probably. I don't know anything about Warlocks.
- On the topic of Warlocks, they have a level 100 Talent called Cataclysm. Warlocks can summon an expansion?
- Shadow Reflection level 100 talent for Rogues sounds wicked interesting.
- I love the idea of Followers. I haven't messed with Followers or Garrisons too much since I want to experience it fresh when the game comes out officially, so I don't know much about it. Sounds like the system in Assassins Creed II: Brotherhood, which I really enjoyed.
- Prismatic Crystal level 100 Mage talent sounds really, really interesting, but it also sounds clumsy, so I'm not sure about it.
- Quests so far seem fun.
- The new glow for objectives (replacing the sparkles) is a lot easier to see, in my opinion.
- Hair pretty much looks better for everyone.
- Female Dwarves now wear bras under their armor (better physics, yay!).
- Being able to bring certain Followers with you questing sounds wonderful.
There's really only two things that I'm still iffy on:
Lack of flying (let me get into that, don't kill me just yet), and the new Draenei female faces.
Let me start with the easier one: the faces.
I don't know, something just doesn't look right about them. It's not the eyes, per se, since on the level 100 realm my Shaman came with a mask by default, so I can just see the eyes. The eyes look great. It might be the proportions of the face, or perhaps the shape of the face itself? Not sure. The lips look a bit weird as well. It feels like it's some minor detail throwing me off.
As for flying, I think I've explained my stance on this before. I support flight at level 100 because when I first started playing, flight was what inspired me to level. Don't ask why, it just did. Ever since then, I enjoy getting on my mount and just flying around. Half the time I forget to mount up while questing anyway. I just like seeing the view. I don't enjoy my surroundings on the ground, because I'm too worried about running into enemies.
When I'm on the ground I'm in serious-mode. When I'm in the air, I'm looking around at the pretty surroundings.
That said, I'll see how it works out.
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