So, I'm back to playing GW2 for the time being. Having quite a bit of fun, and I decided to start doing my vista guides again.
I've been leveling a new Sylvari Necromancer, so new vistas for me! Yay!
Anyway, I thought I would start with the Ventry Bay vista, since it's the first one that's not really out in the open that I've run into today.
Step One: Find Oumu Guileplume [Scout]. Behind him, you'll see a large rock. Jump onto it.
Step Two: Run across the rock and you'll see a very thin plank. You need to get yourself onto that.
Step Three: Now comes the tricky part. This will take likely take many, many tries and much frustration. You have to jump from plank to plank. They are very, very thin, and very tricky to get to. Good luck! If your timing is even the slightest bit off, you will fall and have to do it all again.
Step Four: Eventually, you'll see a large rock with a plank resting on it. Climb up that plank, and jump onto the next one, resting on the next rock. Walk to the end of that plank, and jump onto the next rock. Do not accidentally roll off the side like I just did.
Step Five: On this much larger rock, you'll find yet another plank, leaning up against the next one. Climb up this plank, and jump to the next rock.
Congratulations if you managed to do it! It's very frustrating!
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