Friday, January 31, 2014

This week is New-Character-Every-Day-Week!

Angelic Buster today!
Name is RococoKitten, also on Scania.

Level 32 at the moment, leveling through the Fairy Academy mini-dungeon.

As a note, if you leave Pantheon at level 10 through the dimensional portal and go level on Blue Ribbon Pigs until level 20, it is INSANE. I usually absolutely hate that map, but AB is fantastic there! No need for Star Bubble or anything, just spam the basic attack button!

My equips right now:
Badge - Curbrock's Badge
Hat - White Oceania Cap
Medal - Agent of Justice
Face - Real Fruit Strawberry Popsicle
Glove - Yellow Tartis
Overall - Brown Pollard
Shoes - Purple Snowshoes
Belt - Curbrock's Belt
Shoulder - Curbrock's Shoulder Accessory
Soul Shooter - Pink Haze
Soul Ring - Purple Soul Ring

Honor Level is at 11, with the ability being +7% Buff Skill Duration.

All first job skills are obviously maxed. So far for second job, I've got:
Pink Pummel - 4
Lovely Sting - 0
Soul Shooter Mastery - 0
Beautiful Soul - 0
Affinity Heart II - 6
Power Transfer - 0
I think I'll start on Power Transfer after I finish Affinity Heart II. I love Power Transfer...

Thursday, January 30, 2014


You know how I was loving my Kanna yesterday?


Done. Bored with her. Made a Gunslinger instead. I decided to refurbish one of my old accounts to set up an account to someday utilize Link Skills. Impossible goal for me, but you know. I work so much better with goals.

So, as my current "main" I'm working on my Gunslinger. My name is Nyumnyums, and I'm on Scania. I'm level 34 right now.

Current Equips are:
Badge - Mini-Sun Badge
Hat - White Oceania Cap
Medal - Junior Adventurer
Face - Real Fruit Strawberry Popsicle
Glove - Yellow Tartis
Overall - Brown Pollard
Shoes - Brown Paulie Boots
Gun - The Negotiator
My Honor Level is at 7 with the ability being 10% of Avoidability added to Max HP.

Skills right now are:
Triple Fire - 13
Rapid Blast - 0
Recoil Shot - 0
Gun Mastery - 0
Physical Training - 0
Scurvy Summons - 1
Gun Booster  - 0
Wings - 0
Infinity Blast - 3

I'm going to finish maxing Infinity Blast, then finish up Triple Fire. I'm going to work on Wings after that. Then, I don't know.

Maplestory is the most relaxing game to me right now...

No game can compare to the relaxation Maplestory is giving me this week. I've been so stressed out, but the fast-paced gameplay of Maple is really helping me.

Also, Kanna is really, really powerful. I was doing the Fairy Academy mini-dungeon for level 30s, and I was at the part where I had to kill the Mole King. He went down so quickly! I set up with Burning Shikigami Haunting and Haku Reborn prior to entering the battle. Once in, I Ether Pulsed through him to try and stun him, then turned around and used Shikigami Charm. Then I used Nimbus Curse. And while he was busy with my DoTs, I spammed Shikigami Haunting on him until he died.

I'm level 37 right now. Playing on Scania. My name is Poqou.

Hat - Green Matty
Medal: Honorary Fairy Professor
Face - Real Fruit Strawberry Popsicle
Cape - Ellinel Wings +3
Glove - Ellinel Bracelet
Top - Purple Fairy Top
Shoes - Blue Magicshoes
Bottom - Green Fairy Skirt
Earring - Weighted Earrings
Weapon - Triple Fan

My Honor Level is 5, and my ability for that is Item Drop Rate +3%.

And my skills right now...(starting with the level 30 ones, since the 10-30 ones are already maxed)
Rock Yaksha - 0
Shikigami Charm - 3
Burning Shikigami Haunting - 4
Nimbus Curse - 3
Soul Bomb - 5
Haku Reborn - 10
Radiant Peacock - 10

I'll probably try and max Radiant Peacock next, and then work on Nimbus Curse, with Shikigami Charm taking precedence afterwards. Then Burning Shikigami Haunting, and Rock Yaksha isn't as important to me.

Really enjoying this, can you tell?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Started playing Ariadust again

Really enjoying playing as her again. I'm really set on hitting 90 with her, since I love the Shadow Priest playstyle.

I was looking at my character statistics, which is always fun...

Total gold acquired: 799G, 86S, 79C
Auctions posted: 25
Most expensive auction sold: 15G, 66S, 68C
Most gold ever owned: 5558G, 21S, 65C
Health potions consumed: 1 (Minor Healing Potion)
Elixers consumed: 1 (Ahuurn's Elixer)
Beverages consumed: 2 (Refreshing Spring Water)
Mounts owned: 56
Largest hit dealt: 35905
Largest hit received: 1869
Total damage done: 12097757
Total kills: 3355
Creature type killed most: 1840 (Humanoid)
Critters killed: 3 (all spiders, I bet)
Continent with most Killing Blows: 2309 (Kalimdor)
Total deaths: 2
Quests completed: 541
Quests abandoned: 48
Professions learned: 2
Highest Enchanting skill: 113
Enchanting formulae learned: 15
Materials produced from disenchanting: 254
Highest Tailoring skill: 73
Tailoring patterns learned: 22
Flight paths taken: 68
Number of times hearthed: 21


The achievements I'm proud of are:
Leading the Cavalry (50 mounts)
Level 90 (with Theeriyi)
Explore Eastern Kingdoms
Medium Rare (killed Marticar)
Lost and Found (found a BoA one-handed sword with Theeriyi)
Order of the Cloud Serpent (on Theeriyi)
The Turkinator
Trainer Extraordinaire
Lil' Game Hunter

Whoo! Just felt like sharing. I'm in a good mood right now, which is nice, considering the week I've had :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Octofish level 24

Okay, so I forgot to post for a while, okay?!
I've never leveled this fast in my life, I swear. Four hours in, and I'm higher than I usually get on most of my alts...

Let's go back to the old format, shall we?

Polished Helm of Valor, Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape, Thelsamar Breastplate, Addled Blotter Bracers, Stonebreaker's Gauntlets, Drunkard's Belt, Polished Legplates of Valor, Soldier's Boots of the Bear, Spiked Club of the Eagle

I'm in the Wetlands right now, but I'm having a bit of difficulty because of the stupid spider cave. Ugh...

New character

Okay, so! Long story short, I'm not going to college right now, but I plan on taking programming classes as soon as I can.

Longer version: The college I was planning on attending did not do very much to accommodate and welcome new students. I did not get the opportunity to meet anyone because we were assigned to orientation lectures with no time in-between to introduce ourselves. It was just, oh, go here, then here, then here, then here. There was no time in between to meet the other new students.
Dinner basically did me in. I did not know a single person, and I was the only one sitting alone.
To top it all off, my roommate never showed up. I get extremely panicked when I'm alone. I need someone else around.
After dinner, I had a bad panic attack in my room. I was hyperventilating to the extent that I could hardly breathe. My mom had called to check in on me and I could barely speak. We decided it was best for me to come home for the night. We then decided it would be best for me to withdraw for now. If I so much as sat in on my first class all financial aid would be finalized, and if I was unable to do this, we would still have to pay the tuition. So I withdrew before I would owe money, knowing that there was no way I would be able to live on campus.
So, now, I may take some programming classes at a local community college. I will also be visiting a therapist for my anxiety. Hopefully I can get over my anxiety over driving so I can learn to drive and then commute to the college I wanted to go to.

Enough of that. On a gaming note, I have made another new character (what a surprise)!
I do not want to make another character while I'm leveling her. I want to max her and her only right now.
So, now I have a level 10 Arms Warrior. She's a female Dwarf with the three guild heirlooms. So, let's hope this works out, shall we?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

People bother me

Yes, instead of explaining to someone how to play, let's just call them a noob and harass them constantly throughout a dungeon.

Oh, and to top it all off, don't forget to post the DPS meters! Because comparing someone in no heirloom gear to someone in full heirlooms is a totally fair comparison!

Not to mention, you never know how new to the game someone is, so they may not know what type of gear they wear. Harassment is bad, everyone.

Also, showing the DPS meters proves nothing! As long as no one's DPS is lower than mine (the healer, who, on this chart, had contributed 0% of the damage), then there's no problem!


Good run otherwise, but it's hard to focus on healing when drama is happening in the background, you know?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why did I never play a Shaman before...?

I'm having so much fun on my Shaman! Why did I never play one before?

Since I got Earth Shield, healing's been a breeze. Hardly even have to worry about the tank, and, if the tank is decent, no need to worry too much about the DPS either.

On the tank, just pop Earth Shield whenever I need to, keep Riptide up just in case. For the DPS, Riptide as needed for small damage, for large damage, just Healing Surge. Haven't even needed Healing Wave yet. No one's gotten that far.

I keep Watershield up on me at all times, and Riptide if I need health. If I'm getting attacked I just pop Astral Shift. On boss fights, I put down a Searing Totem, and sometimes use Flame Shock is no one's taking damage.

I'm enjoying this so much more than my Priest. Sure, Power Word: Shield is really nice and all, especially how I can apply it to multiple people at once, but Earth Shield is just as good, and lasts much longer. It doesn't prevent damage, but it heals when they're hit. The only downside is that it can only be used on one person at once.

I'm enjoying this too much, I think!

Just hit level 27. I can't wait until level 30 so I can get Earthliving Weapon and Healing Stream Totem. Those will probably make things even easier! I'm actually not stressing out about getting to higher levels as a healer this time! I've been stressed out about getting to Scholomance again, since I remember Rattlegore being terrible to heal through, but I'm not very concerned this time around. I'm pretty confident with my Shaman.

What else am I looking forward to...Reincarnation, Ancestral Awakening, Resurgence, Chain Heal, Tidal Waves, Healing Rain, Spirit Link Totem, Mastery: Deep Healing, Spiritwalker's Grace, and Ascendance.

I'm writing this while sitting in Darkmoon Faire watching the Tauren Chieftains, which is entertaining.

Today is the day of bad groups

I'm having really bad luck with groups today. It's really draining.

Group 1: Bear Tank and a Monk. Wailing Caverns. Tank runs over and pulls Verdan, Monk runs over and pulls whichever boss it is in the same room (Serpentis, maybe?). Cue me running back and forth trying to heal them both.

Group 2: Balance-Druid-In-Cat-Form-Tank. Also Wailing Caverns. This one was certainly exciting. We made it through with no wipes though, which was good. Also, there was a Hunter with a spider-pet, so I'm sure you know how pleasant that was for me. I soon appreciated the spider when it was tanking, though.

Group 3: Overactive DPS Warrior pulling way before the Paladin Tank was even in the room. Shadowfang Keep.

Group 4: Came in mid-instance. Blackfathom Deeps. Everyone was in completely different rooms and yelling at each other. As such, everyone wiped. Guess who got blamed? There was no way in the world I could have reached everyone. The whole entire group should not try to solo different parts of the dungeon, just as a note. Multitasking does not work like that.

Luckily, I just got a better group, so that's nice. Level 25 on my Resto Shaman, Glamaraa. Have the three guild Int Mail heirlooms, as well. I'm getting no Int Leather drops at all, so my top is Cloth and everything besides the Heirlooms and the belt I just got is quest rewards. So sad.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I'm obsessed with my Shaman

So, you know how I started all those new characters the other day? I still have them, although some of the names and races have changed on the level 1-ish characters.

My current character list:

Theeriyi: Level 90 Pandaren Windwalker/Mistweaver Monk
Ariadust: Level 64 Draenei Shadow/Discipline Priest
Glamaraa: Level 14 Draenei Elemental Shaman
Decorum: Level 14 Worgen Feral Druid
Octofish: Level 9 Pandaren Warrior (going to be Arms)
Benezia: Level 6 Draenei Monk (going to be Mistweaver)
Kazuno: Level 5 Draenei Hunter (going to be Marksman)
Pannya: Level 1 Draenei Paladin (going to be Holy)
Minnele: Level 1 Gnome Mage (going to be Fire)
Archanique: Level 1 Warlock (going to be Destruction, probably)
Tsumini: Level 1 Human Rogue (going to be Subtlety)

I am obsessed with my Ele Shaman, although I may switch to Resto at level 15 to heal until I get tired of it/level 30 when I can dual-spec, whichever comes first.

I'm happy with my characters right now. I have two sets of Guild Heirlooms: Cloth, and Agi Leather. Because of this, many of my characters are currently not wearing pants on the selection screen, but whatever. I don't have the Int leather yet, so my Shaman is stuck in Cloth. I'm pretty sure the character with my Agi Leather heirlooms low-level Monk? Maybe? Her or my Hunter...

I'll go back to leveling now!

My lovely Ele Shaman

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year Cleaning!

Ignoring my last post where I said I was going to focus just on Ariadust (like I could ever focus on one character...what was I thinking?!)...I just did some New Year's Cleaning of my account, deleting all my low-leveled, un-used characters for various reasons, and made most of my entire account over.

I kept Theeriyi and Ariadust, of course, but the rest are history!

So now, I've got...

Octofish = Warrior
Pannya = Paladin
Kazuno = Hunter
Tsumini = Rogue
Glamaraa = Shaman
Minnele = Mage
Archanique = Warlock
Decorum = Druid
Benezia = Priest #2

I'm going to really try to coordinate my characters this year with professions and such! I would like a completely self-sufficient account!

Well, you know...that's my plan this week. It'll change in a month or so...

Thursday, January 2, 2014


So, I have one last week before I go away to college. In this time, I will be playing WoW again. I want to see how high I can make it before I leave, and might not be able to post again for a while (I don't have a laptop yet, so unless I miraculously obtain one between now and next Monday, I won't be able to play games. Probably a bad thing, since games will probably be my sanity).

I'll be working on Ariadust. Shadow Priest level 63.

Let's see how far this goes!