Me? Back? YES!
Back to WoW! Whoooo?
Sorry for the long wait! I haven't been into many games recently. It was also the end of the school semester today, so I've been busy. Plus, I've been at my boyfriend's house a lot, and I just started an internship at a library. So sorry!
Anyway, I just actually leveled up THEERIYI.
Yeah. Highest level I've ever been.
Sadly, blogger is not letting me post pictures at all at the moment. So, just text! I'm sorry!
Theeriyi is now level 63! I'm still leveling in Zangarmarsh, which just so happens to be my all-time favorite zone (aesthetic wise, I hate the questing itself).
She is wearing:
Tim's Trusty Helmet, Purified Jaedenar Amulet, Wild Shoulderpads, Selura's Cloak, Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit, Ashmane Bracers, Blacksting Gloves, Red Belt of Unspoken Warning, Flayer-Hide Leggings, Mud Encrusted Boots, Token of the Bond, Band of Selfless Acts, Rainbow Generator, Devourer's Stomach, Agamaggan's Quill (staff).
She is Honored with Darnassus, Exodar, Gilneas, Gnomeragan, Ironforge, and Stormwind.
Honored with the Argent Crusade, the Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold, and Shang Xi's Academy.
Friendly with the Cenarion Expedition, Honor Hold, Sporeggar, the Cenarion Circle, the Tushui Pandaren, and the Wintersaber Trainers.
That leaves her being Neutral with the Earthen Ring, the Alliance Vanguard, the Explorer's League, Kurenai, Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, and Ratchet.
For Talents, Theeriyi has chosen Momentum, Zen Sphere, Power Strikes, and Deadly Reach.
My most recent Achievements are Explore Zangarmarsh, Explore Elwynn Forest, The Turkinator, and WoW's 8th Anniversary.
I'm excited about one level!